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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Regular Soldiers Papers

Ian C

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If a man joined up in 1910 and was KIA 10/14, would his papers have been in those damaged during WW2 or because he was a regular were they kept elsewhere, and if so where are they now?


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I,ve been to Kew looking up a private who died in 1914 ,

some paper are there some were burnt some just smoke damageed

(and you can still smell it ! ) so its a matter of just looking im afraid

All the best with your search ...

Remembering Edward B Ballard died 10 may 1915 , remembered at MENIN GATE

YPRES panel 22 / 34 Glos regt ....

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If you know the unit he served in, it may be worth contacting the Archive of the County Offices for the Unit in question.

Ive been researching a Bedfordshire Regiment soldier, and have found that the Bedford County Offices keep the Regimental War Diaries. (Have viewed many on line too)

Although they arent service papers, if your looking for details or possibly a mention of the soldier, it may be worth trying the County offices for the Regiment in question?? I would guess these local offices keep varying sorts of records, and you may strike lucky ....

Sorry if you already know this(!) but Medal records, war Graves commission etc are also pretty good places to launch from!

Good luck


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My man was in 2nd Battalion Bedfordshires, where are the County offices and did you have to make an appointment?


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  • 5 weeks later...


The Bedfordshire and Luton Archive and Record Office is on Caudwell St, Bedford.

It is situated on the first floor of the County Hall.

This building is situated on the Banks of the Ouse within walking distance of the town centre.

They are open during week days 09.00 to 17.00 and do not close for lunch.

They are one of the most helpful and well equipped offices I have dealt with. Give the county hall a ring, ask for the Record Office. When you are put through ask for Nigel Lutt (he deals with the military side of things).

They are busy putting all the War Diaries on line but have only done the 7th Beds so far. Another set of diaries is at the N.A.


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