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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

William Passingham City of London POR


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Thanks to 'Grandad's War' and a call to my Dad (who has no memories of his father William-but recently acquired his medals-Pip Squeak & Wilfred, 1914-15 star) I have Private William Thomas Passingham's service number/s 1519 or 1619. He served in the 8th Battalion City of London Rifles, was called up on 4/8/14 & sent his sister a postcard from France in April 1916. His notice that he is a POW at Dulmen was dated 25 May 1916.

It will be a while till I can get to Kew and I've ordered "Terriers in the Trenches" on Steve's advice. Is there anywhere else I can find information-particularly on life in the POW camp. And is he likely to have been involved in the actions around Vimy ridge ? William probably had shell-shock and ended up long-term hospitalised so my Dad barely knew him (family were split) but beginning to get a picture of his involvement in the War has meant a lot to him. Thanks.

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Hi Charlie

Have learned that the Regimental War Diaries of the unit in question carry loads of detail. If you want the word for word accounts from the officers of the Companies (etc) for the actions in question, then definitely have a look at them. Give a really good idea what they all went through.

I was lucky to find that the Bedford Co Archives kept them on line. May not be the same accross all Offices, but gotta be worth calling and asking them if theyre available?


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