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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Digger Pte "Wild Eyes" Hines, AIF.


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Have just returned from the Somme and read a wonderful article on the above soldier in Tommies Bar. Any pal visiting, look his article up on the wall! Amazing man! The only soldier with a bounty on his head, by the Kaiser!! If anyone has the article, could you please post it? The pals would love it! Chris. (Perhaps Mr Mel Gibson could play him in a film!).

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The Australian War Memorial magazine 'Wartime' did an article on him a year or two ago. His photo graced the front cover.

(Mel Gibson is too American now, I think the Kiwi/Aussie Russell Crowe would do a good job in portraying Hines)

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I don't have the article but there is discussion on Hines at:


and a load of information, including the photograph that so incited the Kaiser at:




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Actually, having looked more closely at the second reference I gave, I think the article to which you refer - written in the sixties - is contained in this pdf document.


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Paul, you are brilliant! The article and photo is there, this one is for the office wall,ha! What super reading on a bad day! Forget Mel Gibson, Mr Crowe would be much better I,m sure! Nice if we could of had the real thing though! Read it pals, you wont be dissapointed, I promise! Chris.

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Aw shucks, you are welcome.

Now, if we can just work Kylie and Nicole Kidman into the film version...


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