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Alfred Anderson, 107


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This appeared in the Courier and Advertiser on Monday 22nd March, 2004. Some info. on Alfred Anderson, who at 107, must be one of the last veterans left ?

"A GOLDEN wedding party was an especially happy occasion in Perthshire on Saturday because the long-lived father of the bride joined in.

Scotland’s oldest man, Alfred Anderson, looked far younger than his 107 years as he attended celebrations for daughter Chrissie Maxwell and her husband Graeme at the Rosemount Golf Hotel in Blairgowrie.

As her remarkable father —a Black Watch veteran of the first world war and holder of France’s highest honour, the Legion d’Honneur—joked with his clan, Chrissie said, “It’s just marvellous!”

Mr Anderson had already attended the golden wedding anniversary of one of his children—two years ago he celebrated with his son Andrew and daughter-in-law Margaret, of Ballinluig.

Mr Anderson, who lives in Alyth, was among 25 family members spanning four generations who enjoyed an evening at the hotel.

The old soldier—who was already too old for active service during the second world war but still “did his bit” by setting up home guard units—said he was proud to be at his daughter’s landmark event.

He said, “It’s just grand! It’s great to be surrounded by so many good people.”

Many of the widespread family, which includes 10 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren, travelled from far and wide for the party.

Graeme and Chrissie Maxwell have three children—Roddy, Catriona and Andrew—three grandchildren and five step-grandchildren.

They also live in Alyth, and first met at a dance in nearby Kilry more than half a century ago.

They began their relationship with a date at the pictures.

Mrs Maxwell (71) worked as a shorthand typist at Mearns in Dundee for some years before giving up work to look after her children.

Mr Maxwell (73) first worked as an electrician.

When he retired, he had 30 years’ service with the Hydro Board.

He also served as a volunteer firefighter for 20 years.

His son Roddy revealed, “There is a bit of history of people living a long time on grandad’s side, because his sister was over 90 when she died and his mother also lived to a good age for the times.”

In his long life Alfred Anderson has seen parts of three centuries. He saw active service at Loos during the first world war, including as batman to Captain Fergus Bowes Lyon— brother of the Queen Mother—who died in the battle.

A shrapnel injury in 1916 meant Mr Anderson was invalided out.

In peacetime he was a joiner, running his father’s Newtyle business.

In recent years one of his highlights was receiving France’s highest military honour."

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HI there,

I have had the honour of meeting Alf and he is a really cracking chap. I spent a few hours just chatting with him at his house when I accidently discovered he lived in the same town that my G-g-Uncle had been the head teacher in.

He was a pre-war territorial and he showed me photos of himself with the 5th Royal Highlanders in the summer camp of 1914. He also showed me his P.M. tin from Christmas 1914. I remarked to him at the time, that I had seen so many of these tins but never imagined I would hold one standing next to the person who was given it originally. He was incredibly friendly and I keep in contact with him sporadically with letters and the like.

A true hero, never really wants to talk about what he did in the war. Although he was the batman to Bowes-Lyon for a while, the brothert I believe, of the late Queen Mother. I understand he was at the battle of Neuve Chappel and Loos. But he gave me some good insights as to live in the early stages of the war and I will trasure my meeting with him for as long as I live.

Here's to Alf.

All the best,


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