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The term USE . What does it mean?


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In researching some family history for a friend, I came across the term "USE". The context was a British army officer being reduced in rank from LtCol to 2ndLt, so it must have been a non-trivial matter. Does the term mean anything to you?

I have received the following request from a colleague. I have never herd of this term. I am sure someone on the forum would be able to help.



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Any chance of actually seeing it 'in it's context' Chris, the obvious 'under suspended/suspension' spings to mind but as for the 'e' it's far too early over here to be thinking of acronyms


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U? Surplus to Establishment? But that would hardly account for such a fall.

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Thank you for the replies so far.

Jay, I have requested the context of the term as requested.

Best wishes


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Thanks Doc.

I have asked my colleague for the context of the term.



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Just a suggestion: Unfit for Service (?Empire, ?Europe) or Unfit for Seniority Entitlement/Employment...

Perhaps someone more familiar with Courts Martial and demotion from Lt Col to 2nd Lt (lowest possible officer rank?) might have come across similar terminology? Any idea as to what he had done to merit such a punishment?

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Pure speculation on my part but could it be Under Sentence of Execution? The theory being the execution of a lower ranking officer may not be as politically sensitive as that of a higher ranking officer. Whatever it is it must have been for a significant offence or failure of duty. Or, he was carrying the can for an even higher officer. As I say, pure speculation.



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Thank you Kevin and John. Under Sentence of Execution might be it. I will check if that has any relevance to the context.



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Have had a reply from my colleague. The context is such that the term is not concerned with Under Sentence of Execution. "x has escaped from y with a reduction in rank due to the USE" There are no court marshall records.

He thanks everyone for their efforts but says he would prefer not to pursue it anymore.

Thanks to everyone who replied.



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