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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Books on men?!?


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I'm wondering if there are any books on regiments listing the names of those that served during WW1. I've got a few medals that have names & reg details, but the serial number has been erased (or part erased).

I can't make it up to the PRO as often as I'd like (too far) and was hoping one of the enlightened ones here could suggest anything?!?!

I've sifted through a few pages of previous posts hoping to find something but it hasn't been asked (not recently anyway).

Cheers in advance,


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The regimental histories tend only to give lists of fatalities (if they include anything). For those that made it, there's really going to be no substitute for the slog through National Archive records (although the gradual introduction of the online medal idex card should make life easier.


(PS: love the "handle" ;) )

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Thanks for info. I had a feeling that was going to be the case.

I didn't know the PRO were going to place MIC details online... that will be very handy :D

As for the handle... taxman... yes, evil... not really, just a little mad :wacko:



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Hi Les

Post the names and their Regiments, you may get lucky. There are many people who are building databases on different Regiments.


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Good thinking! :D

The problem is, is that I collect medals to Turner (that's me) and the few I have are to either the RA, RE or AVC. Not much to go on really.

The initials are....

Sapper A - RE

Pte C E - RA

Pte D - RA

Sjt G - RA

Well, you get the picture.... most are probably Alberts, Charles or Georges.

I could try to get to Kew and pull out a few MICs at random and "attribute" the medals to these men... but it's not the same. Oh well :(

Thanks again,


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