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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Battle of the Somme DVD


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Hello folks,

I notice that there is now for sale, on amazon, a DVD of the Battle of the Somme which has been remastered from the original footage. Does anyone know if this is more or less the same as the Video set of the Somme and Ancre which was sold via the IWM?

Does anyone have a copy of the DVD and how would they rate it?



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The new remastered version was certainly recommended by Alaistair Fraser at yesterday's Day School at the University of Birmingham and he's probably seen it more than anyone else. He, with Andy Robertshaw & Steve Roberts, has a new analysis of the film out in March (Amazon link) which, if his talk was anything to go by, will be well worth looking at.



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It is the same original movie, but digitally remastered which brings out more detail in the images. There is also a choice of soundtracks - although that is less important. I would commend it as a much better image than on the video release, its just a shame that the Battle of the Ancre which was released as a second video seems unlikely to be digitised because of the cost.


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Thanks folks,

I think I will invest in a copy as my video set is not as clear as it used to be and you do not always get a good sharp image on Pause!



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That new book looks interesting. I remember seeing on Youtube a documentary by him about the Somme. They were trying to establish which of the scenes were original and where they were filmed. They also set out to try and ID some of the men in the film. One of the most moving part for me was when they arranged for a lip reading specialist to look at the film and she was able to say what the men in the film were actually saying!



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That was exactly what Alastair was talking about yesterday - without spoiling what's likely to be in the book - the team have pinned down the majority of the timings & locations, identified the only major "staged" bit and several named individuals.

One clip that Alastair showed us had a shot of troops ready to go over the top - they all smile at the camera and (according to the lip reader) say "Hello Mum" - just a bit moving bearing in mind what they were about to walk into.



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