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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

World War One Themed Visits in London


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If I'm not mistaken, the Towe also hosts the Royal Fusiliers museum, with 9 VCs, most WWI: Dease, Mellish, Jarratt, Robertson, Gee, Elliott-Cooper, and Molyneux (WWI).


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If you have time to take in the wonderful memorials around the

Wellington Arch, at Hyde Park Corner, you could then head north up Park Lane for a look at the new, and very moving memorial to Animals in War.

It's located on the cnetral reservation, about two-thirds of the way up Park Lane. I have seen it several times from the top deck of a bus.


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The Tower is part of the Historic Royal Palaces (www.hrp.org.uk). If you are a UK Tax payer then you can make a donation and get a years entry.

You can also travel from the Tower from the London Eye by boat, or take a DUKW tour.


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All these fantastic ideas - I so wish I had more time!!

I've just spent all evening going through all that's available at Greenwich - we have three planetarium shows to see alone. Then there' the galleries on Time and Astonomy, not forgetting the National Maritime Museum itself.

We HAVE to do the Greenwich timeline too (obligatory photo call I think)

I'm tempted by the memorial to the Animals in War - that could be combined with a visit to Wellington Arch. We shall have to see how time goes.

Thank you - each and every one of you for all your suggestions and helpful hints, it really has been most helpful.

I will report back on Sunday night/Monday morning.


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There is a play running at the National Theatre called the WAR HORSE about the role of horses in WW1 - unmissable!

You you should also visit th Armoury of St. James at 17 Piccadilly Arcade which is just full of wonderful milititria.

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