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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

A Question for Authors

Roy Evans

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I'm looking to write a book on my local Battalion (initial print run 100 copies) but on approaching the Regimental museum I'm advised that I will have to pay to use any of their stuff. How much should I expect to pay for a few photos of for extracts from the war diary? Any thoughts will be appreciated. Likewise for I.W.M. stuff.


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I'm looking to write a book on my local Battalion (initial print run 100 copies) but on approaching the Regimental museum I'm advised that I will have to pay to use any of their stuff. How much should I expect to pay for a few photos of for extracts from the war diary? Any thoughts will be appreciated. Likewise for I.W.M. stuff.


Hi Roy,

IWM charge about £50 per image for the repro rights. Expensive as that sounds, it's not the most expensive of the photographic libraries. And, at least the money is ringfenced and at least goes to the upkeep of the photographic archive.

The big agencies - the Corbis, Time-Life and the like - will charge anywhere from £80-£120 per image, as I've found to my cost. Some publishers are willing to pay for pictures, mine sadly were not (or maps and index for that matter). Cost, rather than availability of images, seems to be the limiting factor for most authors. :(

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Can't see why you should pay for extracts from War Diaries given that they are free from the NA. The NA only charge if you use their own pdf copies of war dairies. Your own transcriptions of war diaries are copyright free.

Photos from the IWM you pay per print and, technically there is a royalty charge if used in a publication but they waive this if the print run is below something like 1,000 or so. You just need to explain this to them and get it in writing. They have been very friendly with me.

Who did you talk to at the Staffordshire's Museum? Whoever it was I'd try to find a way to go over their heads as charging for someone who is doing a limited run in which there will be little or no profit sounds mean in the extreme. They may have charges for 'professionally' (i.e. mainstream publishers) produced books but I can see no reason for charging someone like you who is doing a self-published book.

Also, BTW, can I suggest you investigate printing on demand rather can committing yourself to a set number of books. You probably won't end up with boxes of unsold books on your hands but POD ensures you don't and may well be cheaper per copy than traditional printing in very short runs. You can then literally order in ones or twos at the same fixed rate per book.

I have more info on this if needed.


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I would agree with the above. With such a small print run, they should be flexible on charging, especially if you offer to give them some publicity and offer good terms to sell the book in their shop. They should realise that sort of goodwill is worth more than they would charge you in reproduction fees.

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I've found in the past that the quality of service can vary greatly from Regimental Museums.....the best tactic I've used is to have something they don't have and suggest a 'swap'......

Are you talking about Lichfield??....I've known Eric for a few years and he seems ok but I guess all Museums these days are strapped for cash.....

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I have written four local books with small print runs, one of the best sources was the local papers or local people.

An appeal in the paper may turn up a photo that is of more local interest, the local papers are out of copyright and a letter from the chief librarian with appropriate credit in the acknowledgement sections seems to suffice.

Although not an expert i had some dealings with the london gazette they seemed to Ok as long as it is over 60 years and the crown copyright material as long as i didn't use of 50 words at a time, you are free to re-word material/ translate make reference to full text in bibliography.

If you want to send me a PM/email i can explain more.

What print run you looking for ?

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The IWM kindly waived its photo charges for my Swansea Pals book. The West Glamorgan Archive service recently gave me several images to use and the OK to scan some other stuff for a very small fee, acknowledgements and a copy of the book on publication (its not Great War related).

The local museum wanted £33 per image for my new book! I passed on that and sourced what I wanted elsewhere for £7 an image. I expect to pay something...


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What 'stuff' exactly are they expecting you to pay for? You need a proper agreement or contract in writing, so back to them with the question..how much? I'm appalled at some of the prices quoted in this thread, you certainly won't be making any money from a run of 100.


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On a small print run the IWM and NA will probably waive any fees as long as you give them acknowledgments.

If you are having problems with the musuem , I would go to the NA and get the war diaries. The NA will also have extras such as maps, CO's narratives of Battles etc. You can also get Brigade diaries at the NA.

I also used the Regimental HQ on occasions and made a donation plus giving them 10 books to sell.

It may also be useful to 'advertise' on the forum as some one may already have the diaries.

steve m

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Photo_Usage_Application.pdfAttached is the IWM photo usage form, with prices and details etc (as I've just had to fork out £47 for a picture of Swordfish for next month's magazine...). If you can strike up a relationship with the archivists, it certainly helps with speed/prices etc; they're generally a pretty reasonable and helpful bunch.
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