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The service of an RNR deck hand


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I am interested in a relative's service. He was Thomas Kneen, deck hand in the RNR (service number 11683/DA). I have got a copy of his service record from the PRO. He joined the RNR from his home town, Peel on the Isle of Man.

He is listed as joining HMS Amethyst III (I'm told that this was a shorebase in Holyhead, went to Victory barracks (Portsmouth) and then HMS Excellent (gunnery school at Portsmouth) before joining Hired Trawler (HT) Albatross.

Can anyone give me any insight on the shore bases or any info on the Albatross (how big/location/role/etc)

Also what does the suffix DA on his service number signify?

Long after he was discharged there are a couple of entries on his service record recording "Naval Prize money" apparently paid to him post war (1922 and 1923), can anyone throw any light onto how "prize money" came to be paid out (was it to a crew who'd captured an enemy vessel or was it by then a general war bonus?)

Forgive my ignorance if I'm asking the obvious!

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Prior to WW1, prize money was distrubuted amongst the ship's company, pro rata, according to rank or rate after a prize court had determinded the validity of the claim and authorised the disposal of the shipping and property.

In the First World War, the system was changed, whereby all monies were placed in a central fund, The Naval Prize Fund. The proceeds were then allocated to all who had served, again on a pro rata basis, according to rank, rate and length of war service. Supplementary payments were also made in the mid-1920's as the fund was run down. Not all men appear to have qualified though. The Prize Fund rules, appear I think, in various editions of the Navy List for WW1. No doubt somebody will have a copy.

Out of interest, captured enemy merchant vessels were often allocated to civilian shipping companies, with an appropriate name change of course.

Terry Reeves

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A search of the web shows a fleetwood trawler

"FD 353 Albatross" owned by Swan Trawlers Ltd which sunk in 1939


is this one and the same as hired Trawler Albatross?

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  • 11 months later...

just bringing this back up to the top.

Can anyone cast light on "hired trawler" Albatross (is it the fleetwood boat? or are there other possibilities?).

What does the suffix "DA" signify in my man's service number?


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The suffix DA indicates he was a deck rating, as opposed to a stoker, an engineroom rating, etc.


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thanks v. much

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GY279 Albatross operated out of Grimsby during this period.

However it is not convirmed if this is the same vessel as listed below;

the next German operation, using their only two fast-minelayers, was mounted, on August 25-26th. Under cover of darkness and in mist, ALBATROSS laid a minefield off the Tyne (but five miles further to seaward than calculated). NAUTILUS, by contrast, laid her mines on position near the Humber. (52)

(Source - ‘Trial & Error’ The Royal Navy and Mine Countermeasures 1904-1914)


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many thanks Roop

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Sorry to split hairs, but are the names of the ships exactly as you have written them? Colledge lists 3 Albatrosses that were trawlers: Albatross II, Albatross III and Albatross V.

Btw you may not have his complete RNR service records, the RNR seems to have had short periods of engagement and a man could have several numbers during his service.

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The RNR record just lists it as "HT Albatross" which I have taken to be "hired trawler albatross" without any suffix, but I would imagine the scope for the clerk who wrote it up to miss out I, II or III etc is huge.

Would you be so kind as to post a few details of the the albatrosses that you have found please

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The RNR record just lists it as "HT Albatross" which I have taken to be "hired trawler albatross" without any suffix, but I would imagine the scope for the clerk who wrote it up to miss out I, II or III etc is huge.

Would you be so kind as to post a few details of the the albatrosses that you have found please

From JJ Colledge, 1989, Ships of the Royal Navy:

Albatross II Trawler 220/06, 1-6pdr, hired 1914-19.

Albatross III Tr 151/95 1-12pdr, hired 1915-19.

Albatross V Tr hired 1918-19.

If you can post a scan of his record, we can see if there are other sheets for his pre and post war service.

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