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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1/8th Bn.West Yorkshire Regt. (Prince of Wales Own

Guest Colman

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Died: Sunday 03 September 1916 commemorated: Pier 2, Face A, C & D. Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.

Harold was my Great Uncle I know nothing of his service history other then I believe he died taking part in an assault on the German line West of Theipval. They attacked from a line roughly following the present Mill Road with the 1/8th West Yorks on the left flank, alongside the River Ancre. But the enemy opened up from a position known as the “Pope’s Nose”, roughly on the site of the present day “Ulster Tower” commemorating the ill fated attack made by the 36th. (Ulster) Division on 1 July 1916.

Although the first wave of Yorkshire men suffered little from it, the second wave, on leaving their start point, were badly caught in the zone of fire. The casualties for the day were heavy, the 1/8th loosing 9 Officers and 294 other ranks, one of whom was Harold.

Can anyone fill in any more details on the activities of the 1/8th. before this day?




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