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Battle of Cambrai-German Trench Maps


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Book arrived today - tried a search but was unsuccesful as I thought that I hasd seen some comment on this somewhere.

However, is anybody able to give a translation of the following please? Any help greatly appreciated as usual.

Fdl Stellungen

verfallen graben - cemetery? RAP?



Unterstande - shelter/dugout?

Lagerplatze - forming up area?

Fdl FGeldbahnen

Fdl Fusswege

Fdl Kolonnenwege

Fdl Beob. Stelle

Fdl Befehis stellen

Fdl Batterie Fotografiert u. in den letzen 4 Wachen feuernd erkannt

Fdl batterie Fotografiert u. in den letzen 4 Wachen nivht gefueuert

Eigene Stellungen

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Book arrived today - tried a search but was unsuccesful as I thought that I hasd seen some comment on this somewhere.

However, is anybody able to give a translation of the following please? Any help greatly appreciated as usual.

Fdl Stellungen

verfallen graben - cemetery? RAP?



Unterstande - shelter/dugout?

Lagerplatze - forming up area?

Fdl FGeldbahnen

Fdl Fusswege

Fdl Kolonnenwege

Fdl Beob. Stelle

Fdl Befehis stellen

Fdl Batterie Fotografiert u. in den letzen 4 Wachen feuernd erkannt

Fdl batterie Fotografiert u. in den letzen 4 Wachen nivht gefueuert

Eigene Stellungen

Fdl = feindlich(e) = enemy

Stellungen = positions

Verfallen Graben = graves of the fallen (not the same as cemetery which is Friedhof)

Kabelgraben = cable trench

Drahthindernis = barbed wire fence/barrier/obstacle

Fdl Feldbahnen = enemy light railways

Weg = path/way

Fuss = foot

Kolonnen = columns

Befehis should be Befehlsstelle = command post (although Gefechtsstand is more usually used, unless there's a subtle difference... and there normally is in German military terminology)

Beob Stelle = observation post

Enemy battery photographed and identified firing in the last four weeks.

Enemy battery photographed which has not fired in the last four weeks

Eigene Stellungen = own (German) positions

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Verfallen Graben = graves of the fallen (not the same as cemetery which is Friedhof)

This one's an elephant trap, Halder – verfallene Graben = old/delapidated/disused trenches


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By the way. Kabelgraben in the Cambrai context is not any old trench associated somehow with a buried cable. Check out its location on this sketch map. It featured prominently in the fighting of 20 Nov 1917.



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Halder, Mick and Jack, thank you very much indeed - the maps make a bit more sense now.

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'Fusswege' are 'footpaths' and 'Kolonnenwege' are 'tracks' – so both unmade ways, but of greater or lesser width.

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This one's an elephant trap, Halder – verfallene Graben = old/delapidated/disused trenches


Ah, collapsed trench! I was mixing up Gefallen and verfallen. Doh! It was a long day...

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