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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Machine Gun Corps

Guest jimp

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I have seen my name, Jim Parker, mentioned on this site with regard to reearch into the First World War. My "forte" such as it is, id the Machimne Gun Corps.

As I am brand new to this site I do not know if I am allowed to put my email address here or not.

Should this be allowed I will put it on new time I visit,

Jim Parker,

MGC Research

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Guest Ian Bowbrick

Hi Jim, nice to see you here.

I have not forgotten about those service records but the day job has been hectic of late. Will post them soon.

Cheers - Ian

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Hello Jim, welcome to the forum

There is no need to type your email address. Forum members can contact you simply by clicking on your name, and choosing email or private message. The latter can only be read when you revisit the forum; the emails come through to the email address you used when registering as a member.

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Hi Jim

Welcome to the Forum, I have been a collector and minor researcher of the Machine Gun Corps for the past couple of years and I welcome the opportunity to "pick your brains" on MGC matters. You can contact me via the Forum and hopefully we can swap/exchange a few details etc.



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Welcome Jim ... you might remember we exchanged some information on the 1st Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade. I can concur that Jim is one of the experts to go to. He will learn more later, but I would expect him to move from "Private" to "Officer" rather quickly.

Dwight Mercer, Regina, Canada

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Greetings Research Warriors,

I am new too to this forum, name: Michael Thierens, rank: none, place of residence: Holland.

I have been researching my maternal grandfather since January, a regular of the 2nd Bn Essex Regiment before and during WWI, an 'Old Contemptible' and recently I found out he was at some stage during the Great War an instructor at the Machine Gun Training Centre in Grantham. There is also a Canadian connection as he joined the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry(P.P.C.L.I.) probably in 1923 and was based in winnipeg.

To clinch matters the P.P.C.L.I. played an inportant part in the liberation of Nazi occupied Holland at the end of WWII; my Dutch father joined the Dutch army in 1945 and was sent to England for his basic training and married my mother there, daughter of.....

I would really like to pick the brains of anyone with knowledge of the Machine Gun Corps as in the few months I have been researching, I have acquired a great admiration for the history of this Corps and its couragious members.

If there is anything I can contribute towards gathering information about and ultimately making a contribution towards writing the history of this Corps, just yell. So much knoweldge has been destroyed.

Chris, pardon my familiarity as a newcomer, but I must compliment you on your very informative and admirable website The Long, Long trial. I have visited it many times and shall continue doing so.

Oh, by jove, I just realised how pretentious my offer about the Machine Gun Corps must be, because I realised in what connection the name Jim Parker rang a bell, 14 years or more of research on the MGC is it? Now I,ve put my foot in it for sure, sorry Jim Parker. My offer though still stands.

Keep up the great work,


Michael :unsure:

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Hi Michael

Welcome to the Forum. Pleased that there is yet another MGC buff joining the ranks. I hope that we can all pool our various amounts of knowledge at some time in the future.



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Am not an MGC man.. but am researching an MGC man who was with the 62nd West Riding Divison, who died of wounds 5th Nov 1918.

Will watch this thread like a hawk to pick up any snippets of info..


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About time, Jim! :D

Welcome aboard, shipmate...

(I was going to put a Latin tag joke in there, but thought better of it...)

Nulli Secundis!


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