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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pte B Hodson Notts and Derby R.

Anthony Bagshaw

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I have come across Pte B Hodson who was in the 9th Bn Notts and Derby Regiment who died 26/9/1916. CWGC has his number as 19852 but his medals have the number 19857.

Would someone please look on SDGW for me and see what number is given here? Does it give anymore info on him?


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Thanks for that.

So then i wonder who has the number wrong?? :huh:

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In this case it is likely to be a transcription error by CWGC, either from the original documentation (handwriting difficult to read) or when transferred to the web database.

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Thankyou for your help Greenwoodman.

I suppose that these mistakes were fairly common given the huge task was undertaken to name so many medals. It would be difficult enough to do today, even with all of our technology!

I think i have read somewhere that the CWGC need solid evidence to be able to change anything on their system, is this true? It would be nice to have his correct number on there.

Thanks once again, Greenwoodman

Anthony :)

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Yes they do need solid evidence to change entries.

Contact Terry Denham forum member who will point you in the right direction.


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