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Soldiers small book


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Hi all,

We have a Small Book of a distamt relation of ours who enlisted late in 1903 and we were wondering if the book that the soldiers during the First World War was the same?

Please see attached...we have scanned all the pages so if anyone wants to see more that is no trouble!

The Bells


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From just the page you have shown us i'd say yes.Attatched is a scan of the first page of the "Small Book" i have for a Charles Wells of the South Staffordshire Regiment,who enlisted 26.05.1915.



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The two pages you have just shown match exactly those shown in Charles Wells "Small Book".However they are pages 6 & 7,not pages 4 & 5 as in yours.I have scanned 4 & 5 for you.Do you have these two pages anywhere in your "Small Book".

Steven :unsure:


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There are 32 pages in all in the Small Book i have,i won't post scans of every one.But the following is a list of the sections in the book.Starting from page 8.

Particulars of service (2 pages),Abbreviated extract from record of service (1 page),Points to be observed when on guard/points to be observed on Outposts (3 pages),saluting of officers,officers badges of rank,how to prevent sore feet,mode of making applications and complaints by a soldier (all 1 page each).

There then follows four pages which cover ,instructions for cleaning the rifle and carbine,instructions for cleaning clothing and for washing shirts,khaki clothing,socks and woolen goods,notes on field cooking.Then 4 1/2 pages covering Furloughs,Marriage and civil emploment on discharge or transfer to the army reserve,then 5 1/2 pages covering Soldiers Wills.

The last page is Free Education of Soldiers Sons.The inside of the rear of the cover also has a little cardboard pocket.

Steven :blink:

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Pretty much the same:

Two pages that you have seen, 1 on Mode of complaint, 3.5 on obedience is the first duty of a soldier, 1 penal stoppages, 1 slauting officers, with the officers badges of rank, points when on guard/outpost duty, how to prevent sore feet, instructions for cleaning rifle, instructions for cleaning clothing etc, guides to field cooking and recipes (9 pages), furloughs,marriage, civil emplyment on discharg or transfer to the Army Reserve, soldiers wills (5.5 pages), particulars of service (3 pages),

Nothing about education of children...

All told this is 43 numbered pages, there is card flap at the front, no pocket at the back...

No a great deal of change in the 10 years or so between the books...

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I would agree with you there.It doesn't seem there has been to much change in the small book over the years,except that perhaps it had got a little thinner by the time WW1 came around and that it lost some sections and gained others !!.

Steven :D

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The two pages you have just shown match exactly those shown in Charles Wells "Small Book".However they are pages 6 & 7,not pages 4 & 5 as in yours.I have scanned 4 & 5 for you.Do you have these two pages anywhere in your "Small Book".

Steven :unsure:

Can I point out this is a Special Reservists' Smalll Book, and these were indeed different.

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The differences in pages in the Small Book (Army Form B-50) between the 1902 and 1914 versions was as a result of the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act of 1907 and also variuos changes in insignia of rank etc.

The greatest change in the "small book" composition from the 1902 version occured with the 1908 version. This type had 34 pages. In 1914 the pages were reduced to 32. After 1908 all versions of the Small book were identical save the 1914 printing(given variances with printers).

After 1908 AF B 50 was intended for common use by Regular Forces, Reserves and Special Reserves (Same version, there was no special AF B-50 issued to just special reservists). It acted as a kind of personnel file.

If the man was a Special Reservist he would fill-out page 5. If he was a Regular he would fill-out page 6. If a Reservist he would maintain his Small Book from his Regular service obligation.

There are no provisions for this books use in the Territorial Force. However, anyone ever come across a copy used by a Terrier?

Joe Sweeney

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Joe Sweeney

Yes,thanks for that what you have said clears up the differences between the two "Small Book's" mentioned in the thread.

Very rare to go on the forum and not learn something !!.


Steven :D

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