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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Attestation Papers


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I'm sure this question has been asked before but after a search of previous threads I still couldn't find the answer.

On my GGrandfathers attestation papers is the question "Did you receive a Notice, and do you understand its meaning, and who gave it to you?" to which he answered in the affirmative.

Simple question really, what was the Notice? and what form did it take?

Any help, as always, much appreciated.


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Hi Steve,

The only thing I can think of is a conscription notice. Of course if your Great Grandfather volunteered, there goes my theory!

Take care,


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I dont have any WW1 Attestation Papers at hand but could it be about army regulations and punishments, including the potential for a death sentence. What questions preceeded it?

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Nothing like that. The [unstated] purpose of the Notice was seemingly to stop infighting between recruiters, who were paid per recruit. I will quote the passage from Recruiting Regs, Regular Army, immediately pre-war:

"When a man desires to enlist, the recruiter will ask him if he has already received a notice paper. Should the man answer in the negative the recruiter, if in his opinion the man is of an age and stamp suitable for the arm of the service he has a preference for, and has no apparent physical disability, will fill up and give him the prescribed form which should state the time and place where the recruit is to appear for attestation. If he has already received a notice paper from a recruiter in the same district a second will not be given by any recruiter until after 14 days from the issue of the first. This will prevent claims arising from more than one recruiter for raising the same recruit."

The notices were ephemeral and I have never seen one with a soldier's papers.

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Thanks for the help guys that's cleared that one up and I now also understand the meaning of the rest of the given answer in that "who gave it to you" was RO Cheltenham, obviously Recruiting Officer/Office at Cheltenham.

Thanks again


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