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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Yorkshire Light Infantry

Amy Kitcher

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I am trying to find out more information about my great grand father Pte John Henry Cope 19184.

Much of his early life is a mystery but I am hoping someone will be able to help me "flesh out" his military career. He served as a private with the Yorkshire Light Infantry (possibly 2nd Battalion?) and entered the French theatre of operations on 4 Dec 1914. He was wounded, gassed and taken prisoner and finally discharged on 10 May 1915. I have searched all the usual places in the PRO but it appears his records (except medal entitlement) were destroyed.

I doubt anyone will be able to me anything specific about my great grandfather so I guess I am after general information, such as where the Yorkshire Light Infantry were posted at the start of the war. Where would British POW's been sent? (I have heard mention of Chemnitz, but have not looked into this) Furthermore, if anybody can point me in the direction of any useful books

I would be very grateful.


Amy Kitcher

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Hello Amy

As your GGrandfather entered theatre on 4th December 1914 and was with the KOYLI, he would have been with the 2nd Bn, as this was the only KOYLI battalion in France/Flanders at the time.

Contact me off list with your email address and I will send you the relevant info for the 2nd Bn from the "History of the KOYLI".


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