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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

D Wilson, KOSB - DCM?


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Myself and a colleague are working on a listing for award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal to men from the King's Own Scottish Borderers.

In the course of our research we came across an entry in the Glasgow Evening Times of 29th October 1915. This entry statres that a Private D Wilson of the 1st KOSB had been awarded the DCM for "A conspicuous act of bravery performed at the Dardanelles". It states he cut wires of communication "and by doing so secured the safety of a considerable number of our own men".

I have been unable to find any listing of a D Wilson of the KOSB being awarded the DCM. Is it possible he is listed under a different regiment?

For information the short article states he had been severely wounded in the right leg and was recovering in hospital in Alexandria. He came from Uphall and had resided at Stankard Road. It also stated he was an "old soldier" who had re-enlisted at the outbreak of war. It also states he has a son in the army.

It's possible that this was a circumstantial story and that no DCM was awarded - the information was sent in a letter to a Dr Kelso of Uphall from the superintendant of the Sailor's and Soldiers Institute in Alexandria, so not exactly an official source!

I was hoping someone might be able to check what sources are available to confirm whether this man got the DCM or not. I have checked the online Gazette, but without a forename it's not so easy.

Thanks in anticipation.


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The likely soldier is 8612 Private David Douglas, 1st KOSB (latterly 36130 Royal Scots) - he landed at Gallipoli on 13th Aug 1915. However, I don't know of any official gallantry award.


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