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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Painting: Mother Canada - Vimy Ridge


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I tried a different slant to illustrating the well known image of Mother Canada. It didn't come out as I'd hoped and I'm not happy with the face but thought I'd post it anyway. I also took the liberty of adding a tear.


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Art critic: a) The face is too unfinished and not compatible with the contouring and shading of the body overall

B) The upper body appears to be too masculine and this is NOT due to normal vantage point foreshortening - too bulky or massive - look or relook at the chest area

c) Overall toning and shadows and highlights need considerable work

Professor Master Painter John

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For whatever it is worth, my opinion is that I like it

My impression is that in 1914-18 most couples married young and had families right away.

What I mean to say here is that, the mothers of the fallen would themselves, in many cases, be only about 40 years old

Also, most women were very hard working; e.g., I remember my own mother washing clothes before the arrival of one of those new-fangled electric machines

(we called the original, a poss-tub, and operating it involved a lot of upper-body action, perhaps leading to the physical form in your illustration)

To these eyes, your picture rings true



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As someone that has no artistic skill of any kind, and can manage to b*****ks up painting by numbers!! For what it is worth I like it. There is that gaunt sorrow full look of deep deep mourning and grief. Yes! I like it... Well done Eric.

Aye Rob

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Thanks guys...all comments valued.

John, I wasn't happy with the face myself but had changed it several times to an extent that further work would have ruined the whole painting so in the end had to leave it as is but agree the tone is darker than the body and doesn't quite look right. I would though defend the torso. The drawing was taken from a photograph I took at the Vimy site and is a reasonable representation of the scupture. There are several photos of the monument on this forum taken from a similar position that I believe also show the figure to be lean in appearance.

cheers, ET

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I'm not a master of anything, least of all art - but if that upper-body is too masculine then it's time I had the operation and gave up being a man.


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Dear Eric,

Beautiful use of light and foreshorting. The tear works well.



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I have been looking at the real thing, and to be honest! I don't think you could capture the look any better.

Aye Rob.


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I would leave it as is. Beautiful composition.


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I like it as it is - only thing I would suggest is a shadow on the hand to the face. Nice job IMHO.

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