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Medal Card - Will the real Alfred stand up . . .

Bryan Spice

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The 1911 Census contains two listings for the same soldier - and I have presented the listings word for word

Address Fort Regent, Jersey Channel Islands - Enumeration district 0

2 Battalion The Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment

Alfred Edward Spice Private aged 21 born Woolwich, Kent

Address Greve de Lecq Barracks, St. Mary’s, Jersey, Channel Islands - Enumeration district 7/1

Alfred Edward Spice Single aged 21 born Woolwich, Kent Private


I am thinking the duplicate census entry could reflect him being stationed in the barracks but that on the night of the census he was specifically in the fort?

Attached are two Medal Cards - one for Alfred T. and one for Alfred Edward and on each is a written note that redirects to the Medal Card of the other name. The Cards are not identical in appearance but they have identical details got Regiment, Number, Rank, Medals, Medal Rolls . . . BUT one shows entry into France on 15 January 1915 and the other one does not.

The Theatre of War entry date of 15 January 1916 would tie in with details at your website re 2nd Battalion TKORL Regiment landing in Le Havre on 16 January 1915


Any explanation/opinion as to the “duplicate” Medal Card . . . especially which one of the Cards was Alfred Edward - the one who went to France or the other one?

I do have an Alfred Edward Spice (but not an Alfred T.) in my lineage therefore I can testify to his name, age and birth place, e.g., Alfred Edward married in the December Quarter 1916 in Woolwich and died aged 40 in 1931 in Woolwich.

Thanks for any input on these matters including anything that further identifies his involvements in WWI.


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The situation with Alfred Spice has happened on a few occasions where details could not be matched up when the two different sets of medals - 1914-15 Star (1918-19) and the British War Medal/Victory Medal "pair" (1920-1921). One set of cards (the Star medals) were done first with the BWM/VM details added later. Where the details couldn't be found, a second card was created. Hence, I would say both cards are the same man.

You would need a Royal Lancaster Regiment expert to make sure that the number is appropriate for a pre-1911 man, but it looks ok to me.


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Thank you Stebie for you quick response.

I take it that you are saying Alfred Edward is the correct named soldier for the Medal Card(s)?

Is there a website dedicated to RLR because it would be nice to see if any record of Alfred E's history exists, i.e., I cannot find him in the Pension or Sevice Records available (via National Archive) at Ancestry.com.

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This may be of use - taken from an e-mail from the 1911 census people......

"New 1911 census military records

In 1911 the British Empire was nearing its peak; there were soldiers and sailors stationed across the globe, both at Empire outposts and in places that weren’t part of the Empire but where Britain had a political and military presence, such as Egypt.

You can search for army personnel stationed overseas, plus any family members who went with them. Soldiers stationed overseas who were absent on the night of the census are included, as well as navy personnel who were onboard ship. A soldier stationed overseas but on a home visit may appear twice in the census: at his family home in England or Wales and also as an absentee at the overseas military base he served at".

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