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8th Battalion, Yorkshire Reg

Mr Grinch

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Hi all,

Im trying to research this man - Private Charles Haddon Lyon. 13135. 8th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment. Son of G. H. Lyon, of 16, South Lackenby, Eston, Yorks. Died 12 July 1916. Aged 24. Born Wilton (Redcar, Yorks), Enlisted Middlesbrough, Resided Eston.

He died whilst serving with the 8th Yorkshires on the 12th July 1916. Does anyone have any access to information that would help me to know what was going on around this time with this Battalion ?



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Hi James

Charles is recorded as having died of wounds on 12th July, wounds that he may have recieved when the battalion attacked Contalmaison on the 10th. The following is an extract from Westlake's 'Battalions on the Somme'

Moved up to Baizieux Wood during night (1/7). To Albert (2/7). Placed at disposal of 34th Division and to positions on Tara Hill (3/7). Communication trench dug from old British line to Sausage Redoubt during night (4/7). Assisted 9th Green Howards during successful attack on Horseshoe Trench (5/7). Relieved and to bivouacs south of Albert (6/7). To reserve positions Belle Vue Farm (7/7), trenches in front of Becourt Wood (8/7), Belle Vue Farm (9/7). To Horseshoe Trench (10/7) and assembled for attack on Contalmaison. Advanced at 4.50 p.m. - at about 500 yards from the village heavy machine gun and rifle fire inflicted great casualties - wire found uncut in front of first objective - advanced on to second line - 50% casualties before reaching hedge and wire netting in front of village - advanced through ruins - fire from rear. War Diary notes no more than 4 officers and 150 men reached village. Over 250 prisoners taken. Gains consolidated and held against counter attacks. Relieved and to Belle Vue Farm during night (11/7). Casualties - 300. To Franvillers (12/7)

cheers, Jon

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The history gives some quite detailed information of the period leading up to the 12th July

On the 10th July, the 8th Battalion was part of a force ordered to take Bailiff Wood and Contalmaison village. The 8th Battalion attacked from Horseshoe Trench but came under shrapnel fire from Contalmaison Wood, and as they approached the village heavy rifle and machine-gun fire was opened on them. Only 4 Officers and 150 OR's reached the village but 8 Officers and 160 unwounded enemy were captured as well as about 100 wounded in dug-outs. 6 machine-guns and 1000's of rounds of ammunition were taken. The Battalion was relieved in the village on the night of the 11th and marched back to billets at Belle Vue Farm. On the 12th they were sent further back to Franvillers and Molliens-au-Bois.

He could have been wounded in the capture of Contalmaison or in front of Bécourt Wood where they were heavily shelled on the 8th and 9th July, BHQ dug-out was blown in. His death on the 12th a result of these wounds.



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The history gives some quite detailed information of the period leading up to the 12th July

On the 10th July, the 8th Battalion was part of a force ordered to take Bailiff Wood and Contalmaison village. The 8th Battalion attacked from Horseshoe Trench but came under shrapnel fire from Contalmaison Wood, and as they approached the village heavy rifle and machine-gun fire was opened on them. Only 4 Officers and 150 OR's reached the village but 8 Officers and 160 unwounded enemy were captured as well as about 100 wounded in dug-outs. 6 machine-guns and 1000's of rounds of ammunition were taken. The Battalion was relieved in the village on the night of the 11th and marched back to billets at Belle Vue Farm. On the 12th they were sent further back to Franvillers and Molliens-au-Bois.

He could have been wounded in the capture of Contalmaison or in front of Bécourt Wood where they were heavily shelled on the 8th and 9th July, BHQ dug-out was blown in. His death on the 12th a result of these wounds.



Thanks guys. Top research.


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  • 10 months later...

C Lyon has a memorial inscription on Wilton war Memorial located next to the old schoolhouse in Lackenby Village 4632843826_88d7c1f3f8_b.jpg

Regards Ray

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I can't help with your man but my Grandfather 13093 Private Water Sheen was certainly there with B Company



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  • 7 months later...

I also had a relative there, Pte Thomas O'Mara (sometimes written as O'Marra) 13753 Lewis Gunner. He was shot in the right leg and had an amputation to his thigh.

Any photos of the 8th Bttn. around or can anyone reccomend a good book?


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Any photos of the 8th Bttn. around or can anyone reccomend a good book?

I have a section on the 8th Yorkshires at Contalmaison in a forthcoming book that I am writing for publication later this year. Ny grandmother's fiancee was killed at Contalmaison on 10 July 1916.


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Probably about June. There are about 3 pages which deal with Contalmaison, plus a map. (That is greatly reduced from the 15 pages and 8 or so maps that I put togther on this action, but that was just too much detail for this particular book. I'll find an outlet for it in due course.)

It was a well fought bite and hold action that was within the capabilities of the BEF at that time and showed what could be done given adequate artillery support.

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