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RFA Units at Kildare


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Trying to trace the movements of RFA artillery units that passed through Kildare in the pre-war years.

I have compiled a basic list but I dont have the Quarterly lists to track movements.

Can anyone add some details for me as to when particular units came and went and from/to if possible. Also, was the 15th Brigade with the RFA known as the 45th Brigade prior to the war? Prior to being the 5th Division, what were they under - was it just the Irish Command?

Any help greatly appreciated. Commanding Officers will be the next big task!!



Brigade Date Arrived Date Departed

31st Brigade RFA (131, 132 133 Batteries) from Aldershot April 1902 to Fermoy 1905

33rd Brigade RFA (137, 138, 139 Batteries) April 1902 1906

36th Brigade RFA (15, 48, 71 Batteries) 1905 ?

32nd Brigade RFA (134, 135, 136 Battery) 1906 ?

26th Brigade RFA RFA (116, 117, 118 Batteries) Aug 1909 Jun 1910 to Aldershot

28th Brigade RFA (122, 123, 124 Batteries) Jun 1910 from Aldershot May 1912 to Dundalk

47th Brigade RFA (140, 141 Batteries)

8th (Howitzer) Brigade (37, 61, 65) May 1912 from Bulford August 1914 to France BEF

15th Brigade RFA (11, 52, 80 Batteries) ? August 1914 to France BEF

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Here is what I have been able to put together from my Army Lists:

31st Brigade RFA (131, 132 133 Batteries): For Kildare in Apr 02; still in Kildare in Jul 05 but at Fermoy in Sep 05

33rd Brigade RFA (137, 138, 139 Batteries): At Kildare in Ap 02 to at least May 06 but at Sheffield in Jun 07

32nd Brigade RFA (134, 135, 136 Batteries): At Dundee in Jul 05; at Kildare from at least May 06 to Jan 09; at Sheffield in Jan 10.

36th Brigade RFA (15, 48, 71 Batteries): At Kildare from at least Jun 07 to Mar 08; at Dundalk from at least Oct 08.

26th Brigade RFA RFA (116, 117, 118 Batteries) At Kildare from at least Nov 07 to Oct 08; at Dundalk in Jan 09; at Kildare from at least April 10 to Jul 10 when it is shown as Kildare (for Aldershot); at Aldershot in Apr 11.

28th Brigade RFA (122, 123, 124 Batteries): Jun 1910 at Aldershot; at Kildare from at least Apr 11 to May 12 when it is shown as Kildare (for Dundalk); but still shown as Kildare in Oct 12 Hart's; at Dundalk in Jul 13.

47th Brigade RFA (140, 141, 142 Batteries): at Cahier in Mar 08; at Kildare from at least Oct 08 to Jun 11; at Borden by Apr 12.

8th (Howitzer) Brigade RFA (37, 61, 65): in both May 1912 and Oct 12 shown as Bulford (for Kildare); at Kildare from at least Jul 13 to Aug 14.

45th Brigade RFA (11, 52, 80 Batteries): Jun 11 at Jubulpore; in Oct 11 shown as Jubulpore (for Kildare); at Kildare from at least Apr 12 to Jul 13; sometime between Jul 13 and Oct 13 it was redesignated as 15th Brigade, RFA with the same batteries and remained in Kildare to Aug 14 when it is shown as Kildare (for Fermoy and Waterford).

38th Brigade, RFA (24, 34, 72 Batteries): in Aug 14 it is shown as Fermoy (for Kildare) but I have no evidence as to whether it ever got to Kildare.

Regards, Dick Flory

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Thanks Dick,

Thanks for the (as ever) comprehensive response and for clearing up the renaming of the 15th Brigade also.


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I'm sure I'm showing my ignorance here, but with regard to 47th Brigade RFA in March 1908 - where is Cahier?



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Cahir is in County Tipperary.


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Thanks Mark,

Useful to know in terms of tracing my gg uncle's movements with 140 Bty! :)



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Any help greatly appreciated. Commanding Officers will be the next big task!!

Hello Mark

Forgive my ignorance of Irish geography, but if you are anywhere near Dublin, thev library of Trinity College should have a full set of monthly Army Lists, which give the names of COs, and indeed all officers, of each brigade and battery.

If you are only looking at one or two brigades, and just need the COs' names, I may be able to help you from the copies in the Cambridge University Library, if Dick and the other RFA experts on the Forum don't already have the information.



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Thanks for the tip Ron!

I will check it out. I'll check out the National Library which is usually more readily accessible than Trinity. You weould think these would be on line at this stage?

If anyone has compiled a list for any of these Brigades or Batteries, I would of course be eternally grateful. I have extracted some information for promotions and transfers from the Irish Times and Times on line.


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