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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Capt GH Smith MC. Coldstream Guards.


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I was in Belgium at the weekend and visited the St Symphorien cemetery in Mons.

By chance I came across Capt Smith's grave and noticed his MC (photo attached). He died on 22 October 1918 and I wondered if he was awarded the MC for actions which led to his death, and if so whether his was the last MC to be awarded in the Great War.

Amazingly I haven't been able to find any information about Capt. Smith. Google, Wikipedia, nothing.

Does anyone know where I can best search.




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This is the citation for his MC from the London Gazette #31043, 2 December 1918. Link to it is Here

Lt. Geoffrey Hubert Smith, C. Gds., Spec. Res., attd. 1st Bn.

For conspicuous gallantry and fine leadership in an attack through an impenetrable fog. On reaching the objective his company commander was killed. He at once took charge and reorganised the company, which at the time was being heavily bombarded. Later, he captured the final objective, and although his right flank was in the air, he so disposed his command as to give very good security.

I suspect the MC was awarded for an action well before the date of his death but you'll need a Coldstream expert (or a war diary entry) to confirm that.



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9th October 1918 war diary shows he had the MC - will keep digging

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wounded in the shoulder 16th October 1918 (was promoted from lt on the 13th)

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MC recommendation was submitted by Lt Col Brand for the attack on Hamelincourt and St Leger 22-23 August 1918

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and def not the last MC

2nd Lt Heney - Coldstream Gds

“For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty near Villers Pol on 4th November 1918. He took charge of two sections at the commencement on the attack and cleared the whole right flank of some half dozen machine guns which were infilading it. He killed several himself, and with his handful of men collected over a hundred prisoners. After the attack he and a few others beat off a counter attack on the right flank”.

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