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1st/5th East Lancs


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Can anyone please tell me what/where the 1st/5th East Lancs were upto on the 18th to 20th June 1918 and again on the 24th August 1918.

If anyone has the war diary,I'm particulary interested in any mentions of a Pte 242768 Harry Longworth.

Many thanks.


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1/5th Lancashire Fusiliers (Bury Territorials) were in trenches at Hebuterne between 14th June and 2nd July 1918, at which point they moved into reserve at Bus-Les-Artois. On the 20th August they moved to Serre following up the German withdrawal on the Somme. On 21st they made an attack south of Puisieux-au-Mont, during which Serjeant E. Smith won the VC. After beating off enemy counterattacks on 22nd, they moved from Serre to Hebuterne on the 24th/25th.

I don't have access to the Official History at the moment but can look up the detailed account next week. The War Diary is unlikely to mention Private Longworth by name, unless he received an award. This will also be listed in the Official History account.

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1/5th Lancashire Fusiliers (Bury Territorials)


I think it's the 1/5th East Lancs Regt. (from Burnley) that Stu's after. (their movements do mirror the ones you mention, though!)


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It is the East Lancs I'm looking for,but thanks anyway Mark.

Pte Longworth was awarded the MM and bar in 1918,which is why I'm hoping he will have a mention.


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Nothing mentioned in the Regimental History, but found this on the web...


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Do apologise-misread the post. Must have had too many Hommelbiers brought back at Easter from the Tommelin drive-in beer warehouse at Dickebusch.

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Johnny S,

Many thanks for that,I actually found that myself last week,I have since been in touch with the guy who has that site,he says he will try to dig out some more info on Pte Longworth.


No problem,we've all over done it at some time ;)

Many thanks.


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