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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Remembering - I knew this gentle old man


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Bittersweet Moment?

14th April 1917 - 1st Battle of the Scarpe - my great-uncle won his MM.

The Regimental (1/9th Bn London Regt (Queen Victoria's Rifles)) History says

"During the attack at dawn, Sergt Harry Spiller led his platoon through a heavy barrage as far as the enemy wire. By his spendid courage and fine leadership he compelled others who might have taken cover to follow him to the objective. He remained under the wire throughout the day and superintended the withdrawal of his men under the cover of darkness. He never neglected an oppurtunity to inflict casualties upon the enemy and imparted a similar spirit to all those under his command"

Pal's thoughts/comments would be appreciated, having been there, taken photos, and also felt very sad!

Best regards to you all


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I think you covered it- Remembering with Pride-those who came home and those who did not.

Quite a story, thanks for sharing it

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Was it luck? Maybe.

Was it surviving? I think so.

Was it courageous? Yes!

Was it comradeship? Certainly!

He received his earned medal, but a lot didn’t who earned it also.

Does the medal change the man? NO he didn’t think on that while doing these actions…

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