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I was wondering if it ould be possible for someone to check to see if there is anyone by the surname of Dwyer and born in Clonmel, Ireland and in the Royal Garrison Artillery on the SDGW CD, please.


Kliff Snow

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There are two Dwyers in the RGA but not born in Clonmel. One born Rathmines Dublin,the other Thurles Co.Tipperary. There are six Dwyers who enlisted at Clonmel but none with RGA,all but one enlisted in the Royal Irish Rgt. Hope this is of use

Regards Doug

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If you are in Clonmel then I am only a hop skip and a jump away from you.....in Holycross. regarding the RGA. There is a CD out containing the enlistment data from most counties in Ireland for the RGA.......I have it here someplace. If I find it tonight i will tell you waht it says about the Dwyer. The guy who sells this cd.........(you will often see it for sale on ebay) does not tell you when you are buying it that it is only an index....and if you want a copy of a persons enlistment papers you have to send him £6 for it.

'Till later.


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Thanks for the reply's. What started me off was that I have been in contact with people in France, who laid some flowers for me on my Great Grandad's grave, and in correspondence with a gentleman, He sent a picture of a wall, I think in Humpercamps? (excuse the spelling) with the name Dwyer, RGA and Clonmel and a small harp etched underneath this. I checked on the CWGC and there where two Dywer's in the RGA killed nearby, a J Dywer in Sailly Au Bois and C Dwyer in Villers-Bocage. There is a possibility Mr Dwyer may have survived the War, but this may be harder to check.

I am hoping there may be a loose chance finding information on the man who etched the wall.


Kliff Snow

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I just ran a check on Dwyers who enlisted into the RGA and there was none from Clonmel, lots from other parts of Tipperary but not Clonmel. Perhaps he enlisted into another Unit and then transferred.


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