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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Terriers in the Trenches


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After reading some of the contributions on this topic I have to declare myself a humble ignoramus (sp??) . I simply want to express appreciation to Charles Messenger for this book (recommended by a Forum member) which has painted a really helpful picture of the POR for me & our family. Believe it , or not, but I'm still getting my head round words like 'platoons' , 'divisions' etc so details of battles take a while to sink in. Also valued the firsthand accounts. Hope this is the right place to post this.

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Charlie, this should be the right place. Charles is a member of the forum, though I haven't seen his byline around for a little while.

The book is Charles Messenger "Terriers in the Trenches: The History of the Post Office Rifles" Picton Publishing 1982 ISBN 0 902633 82 1

You could try the second hand book sites such as ABE.

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Charlie, Ken, Richard

I'm still alive and kicking and thank Charlie for his very kind comments. Alas, I have no more spare copies, but Richard is right in saying that copies do come up on Abe. There are also a few copies scudding around public libraries, that is if you live in UK, Ken - try the inter-library loan service.

Given the depth of research which is now being put into TF regiments, I would have tackled the book in a different way if I had been aware then of the possibilities that now exist and are being employed by the TF Study Group (see their page on this website).

Charles M

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And if you can't find it, Ken, I'm reluctantly returning my copy (inter-library loan, well-worn) to Northampton library today. They will presumably send it back to Doncaster. My brother in Spain is dying to read the book but will have to make do with my attempt at a summary ! I started the book just to find out more about my unknown grandfather (captured in 1916, ended up locked away/bombed out ?) but I ended with a real feeling of appreciation for the whole battalion.

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  • 8 years later...
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It`s a grand read. Try to get hold of this book if you can. "The Terriers in the Trenches" recounts not only the fights that the POR`s were involved in but also gives a view of the day to day routine which the Men endured and made the best of, in conditions which I can only imagine.

It also list all of the Officers and Men that died of the POR`s and their decorations.

I borrowed it via the inter library loan scheme, which I must say, was really good. I just dropped in to my local library, gave the authers name, the title and the kind gent behind the desk tapped away on his computer and a week later the book arrived. Fantstic. My loaned copy is going back to the library this week end, so there should be a copy available next week to order.

I would like to say a public "Thank You" to the Author, Mr. Charles Messenger.

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Yes a fascinating and excellent volume - and one which has been known to fetch significant prices on the second hand market.

Time for a reprint, Charles?

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I think that I would want to rewrite it, going into a lot more depth. It is a little outdated in its approach. As it is, I have other pastures to graze in.

Charles M.

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For a moment, I thought we would be talking about Fox Terriers or Jack Russel Terriers... or dogs on the front in general... stupid me... :wacko:

I won't read this one, but I do have a copy of Charles's "Call to Arms" ... it's somewhere on the "to read" pile :whistle:


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