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The German Army at Cambrai - Jack Sheldon


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Just received the latest piece of research from Jack - it lived up to its promise

Only about a quarter through but felt I must congratulate our Forum pal.


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I had a message from Amazon stating that delivery will be delayed and promising to let me have a new delivery estimate which they have not yet advised.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've ordered a copy from Waterstone's in Winchester, but I've not seen it on the shelves in any bookshops yet, either in London or Winchester (or, indeed, Eastleigh or Southampton). All his other titles appeared very promptly in store, but this one hasn't.

Maybe Pen & Sword are too busy trying to flog off their vast range of dodgy reprints.

Anyway, looking forward to picking it up asap.

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My copy arrived last week. Only had a chance to glance through it but it looks like the high standard has been maintained. Well done Jack.

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I even moved some books around at the weekend to make space on a shelf next to the other three.

The pile of the floor looks a bit higher, though, but as I point out to Mrs B, it saves the vacuum cleaner.

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I was caught out at the weekend by the Memsahib.

Had to :

Put up a new bookshelf.

Move and rearrange over half my books - to clear space for "knick knacks" apparently.

Buy a filing cabinet.

Put everything from my box files/ ring binders/ correspondence files in the filing cabinet which is now full.

Find somewhere to put the redundant box files/ring binders/empty files etc.

I was, of course, unaware that any of this needed doing.

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My copy arrived this morning and first impressions are highly positive – the font looks much more easy on the eye than other volumes – is that correct?

Anyway, can’t wait to get cracking on it and I will post a review once it has been read.

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Anyway, can’t wait to get cracking on it

Neither can I. Sadly, however, Waterstone's inform me that there is some form of hold-up in delivery. Tcha, I say. Tcha.

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Many thanks for the kind words, one and all. As far as availability is oncerned, I am pleased to say that I only write them, so distribution is sombody else's responsibility/fault. I hope the wait will be worth it.


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I can assure everyone that it s is indeed so. Read a couple of chapters............excellent as always.

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Are you trying to wind me up? :lol:

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Excellent, as always. Congratulations, Jack !

The four hardback books, with their haunting stadhelmed German youth adorning the spines and gazing down from my overburdened shelves, have a tremendous impact.

More to the point, the content is the thing....the size of the German counter attack was astonishing : I hadn't realised how big this affair was. After Cambrai there could be no more complacency about quiet fronts.

More please, Jack. How about Mount Kemmel ?


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I'm getting angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

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I am pleased to say that I only write them ...Jack

Can we get a paragraph summary - what period of time? Does it cover Canada's Hundred Days? That would be interesting for the Colonials!

Richard of Canada

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Many thanks for my copy, Jack. Most kind - I was within a whisker of buying it in London on Saturday (but head ruled heart and I invested in a book on Silesia...). I shall, however, struggle to post a review in Navy News, unless you can think of some link either with the RN or RND/RM (and I'm always open to suggestions!); some of our readers have noted my leanings towards German historiography on the review pages and aren't overly chuffed! I will, however, sit down this week and post a review on Amazon - and elsewhere.

It amazes me how few Brits post reviews on Amazon UK - compared with the US site. Praise on a forum such as this is good, but to reach a wider audience, I would urge GWF-ers to voice their encouragement on Amazon and other suitable book sites for this or any other volume which they like.

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Good point. In fact Chris Page told me that it hardly counted as a battle if the RND was not present. I just thought you naval types would like to know what happened to all those 'landships'


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Landships! Of course, the RN sponsored the birth of the tank. That's my (very thin) reason to review it. Cue yet more bemused old matelots writing in to complain about the lack of books about life on the briny and pot messes... :D

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A minor disaster occurred today, as some labourers working in my neighbours' garden cut through a cable and disconnected me from internet. As a result, I could not post my review, as promised, on Amazon...ever resourceful, I came round to Mrs C.Y.Paine's house and used her computer, and managed - I hope- to get the review posted. Unfortunately, I had to use her signature on the review, so if it does appear, it will be written by Mrs Paine.

Mrs Paine is my daughter.


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I'd love to be able to review ... this month's Girl Guiding has a tight schedule .. I'll miss it ... :(

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Good news! Waterstone's have called: it's in. I can collect on Saturday.

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I finally got around to starting it last night (busy week at work :angry: ) and it's a cracking read (which isn't a surprise given the pedigree). A couple of things struck me: one was how vivid the accounts in the regimental histories are (cf WW2 German histories which are invariably, though not exclusively, a very dry affair). The other was how much the anti-tank fighting of the German gunners reminded me of Hill 112 in Normandy 27 years later.

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