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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

10th Lincs POWs from 1/7/16


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Hi all.

Wonder if anyone can help. I have been building a database of the 10th Lincs (Grimsby Chums) casulties from the 1st July 1916. By analysing amongst other things Company, initial burials and type of wounds i am trying to prove a couple of theories about the Chums attack on the 1st July. All the killed in action, plus the subsequent died of wounds have been put in the database, as have a large number of the wounded, but i still need to add in the men who were taken prisoner to help build the full picture, of the 500 or so casulties. Do any pals know of any sources that would show any 10th Lincs POWs from the 1st July as they are quite crucial in determining one of my points, namely that i believe they are most likely to have come from 'B' and 'C' Coys. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.



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I have checked my Red Cross list of the missing 1917 and no 10Lincs are unaccounted for from 1July. These lists were built up from relatives' queries.

Unless [unlikely] eyewitness accounts said who were taken prisoner, the PoWs would usually be said to be Missing in the first instance, and then names would dribble in.

The Medal Roll [not the MiCs] should be annotated where and when a man was taken prisoner, quite a big task to extract these, and best done these days with a digicam. Kew now permit digicams, prior permit needed.

And the best of luck, keep you off the streets for days!

Oh, and a word of warning. Very very difficult to ascribe DoWs to an event. Best chance is if unit never in comat before 1 July, and never again afterwards. Difficult condition to fulfil.

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Thanks for that. I knew a trip to Kew was pending, it is now becoming imminent. In terms of the dow for the databse i have only put in those that i have seen reports in the local papers stating that they were wounded on the 1st July; but as you say a hazy area, and to make sure that this research is correct i am only adding those that i have supporting evidence that states they were wounded on 1st July.

Thanks again


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Were all regimental medal rolls supposed to be annotated with details of when and where a soldier was captured? Or was it left to each regiment to do as they pleased in respect of such details?



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My experience is limited to RWF and a few forays into Notts and Derbys, but the rolls were compiled after the war from a variety of sources, and RWF are remarkably detailed regarding death, transfer, PoW, Court Martials etc. Trouble is, the rolls are a b*****s muddle after the simplicity of 1914 star. Oh, and big, but big.

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