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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

O/Seaman Harry Mears

Guest highpeak2609

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Guest highpeak2609

This gentleman who served on the Barham in WW1 must have had a terrible time, as he managed to survive the warship being bombed and sinking several times before it finally went under.

I don't know much about him at all. I don't even know his birth date or where he was born.

I have no idea how to track him from his leaving the ship after it sunk. Should I look at hospitals? Perhaps he was injured.

Any help would be appreciated.



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HMS Barham didn't sink until 25/11/41, i.e. during World War Two. As far as I am aware Barham was only sunk the once, and was never savaged and put back into use on any occassion. Harry Mears is confirmed on the survivors roll for the Barham, a copy of which can be found here:


His service record will confirm his date / place of birth and all vessels and bases to which he was posted both after during the loss of HMS Barham. Almost all service records for the Second World War are still held by the MOD, and are only available to the person concerned or their next of kin. However, some service records for those who enlisted before circa 1923 are available at the Public Reocrds Office / National Archives at Kew. Details of where to write to etc. to gain this information can be found at the PRo website:


Hope this helps,


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