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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

POW Camp


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Can any one tell me if there was a pow camp in Merseburg?

The photo I have of my father has his army details on the back and seems to have come from Merseburg,Germany.

Sorry the photo isn't very clear, but i would be gratefull if anyone could give me any clues as to where the photo could have been taken.



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Yes there was a POW camp at Merseburg. Pope-Hennessy's list gives the following information:

"An ancient cathedral town on the Saale (population 21 000). The prison camp consists of eight compounds of three barracks each, divided by wire. Capacity 25 000. It is placed on the infantry drill ground a short distance from the ground, and is an assembly camp from which men are drafted out to working camps. 4th Army Corps."



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Hi Steve

Thanks very much for that info. I have a distant recollection of hearing about my father being a pow. As I was only very young at the time I cant remember any of the details.

The photo has men in different uniforms and this made me wander if they could have been pow's.

Can anybody tell what uniform my father is wearing [he is the one standing next to the railings ].I only have details of him being in the MGC and photos of him in a different uniform to this one.


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