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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Uniform identification


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I'm hoping that someone could tell me about the uniform of this soldier. the photo is a family one but I am trying to ascertain who the people are in the group. I have been told that they are my great grandfathers brother and sisters. However if that is the case they look too young for WW1.

Can anyone tell me the regiment and the period of the uniform please.

Thanks in advance

Mike S


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Hi Mike

I have taken the liberty of copying your photograph enlarging it and playing around with the contrast I am 99% Certain that this is a Leicetershire Regiment cap badge which is a tiger with the battle honour "Hindoostan" in a curved scroll from the head to the tail.



For a clearer picture.

is their a leicestershire connection? Uniform looks typical WW1 to early 30's to me when was battledress introduced guys? I am not sure but I have see postcards from the early 30's with this style of uniform on I am sure.

Hope this helps.



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Thanks chaps

I think you are probably right - I've enlarged the photo as below. These relatives would have been living in the west midlands though that would not have precluded his joining the Leicesters.

Only problem is the age - if its who I'm told it is he was born in 1882 and the 2 sisters in 1879 and 1881. That would make them 32, 35 and 33 in 1914. To my mind they don't look old enough.

I wondered if the uniform could be pre- 1914


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Thanks chaps

I think you are probably right - I've enlarged the photo as below. These relatives would have been living in the west midlands though that would not have precluded his joining the Leicesters.

Only problem is the age - if its who I'm told it is he was born in 1882 and the 2 sisters in 1879 and 1881. That would make them 32, 35 and 33 in 1914. To my mind they don't look old enough.

I wondered if the uniform could be pre- 1914

Judging by the youthful good looks of the Leicestershire soldier he looks barely out of his Teens,the young girl appears to be very young,not even Mid teens,the other Lass could just about be in her 30s;I fear your Picture may not be of whom it is attributed,if only the original owners had penciled his details on the back?& on the many thousands of Anonymous Photographs we see!

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Mike S,

The photo is no earlier than mid 1916 and probably at least 1917.

The cap is a "Soft" Service Dress Cap and that was not introduced until March 1916 and did not become common until late 1916 early 1917.

This type of cap also worn after the war.

Joe Sweeney

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Thanks - that's useful. Seems to discount it being the persons I was told it was.

If it was my great-great uncle he would be 35 in the picture. the two women would be 36 and 38 which I find implausible.

Back to the drawing board!

However my thanks

Mike S

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