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A&s Highlanders


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I've had a D.C.M. to a C.S.M. Galt from D Coy 7th Bn A&S Highlanders for a few years . I'm interested in what they were doing when Galt won his D.C.M.

He could have been killed or mortally wounded gaining his D.C.M. as the C.W.G.C list him as dying on the 28th April 1917 . The London Gazette announces his D.C.M. on 18th July 1917 . It says " 275016 C/S/M Galt A & S Highrs . For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty . He reorganized two Platoons who were without leaders and lead a fresh advance and gained the objective . He set a fine example to all under trying conditions " . So is there anyone out there with an interest in the A &S highlanders who might know what D Company was doing and where they were on 28th April 17 ?.

Thanks .


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Thanks Stu , I'd appreciate that mate.


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Hi Phil,

I looked at my book and the war diary for the period you want,unfortunately there is no mention of CSM Galt.

The battalion were at rest billets on the 28/4/17,being pulled out of the line on 24/4/17 after a severe mauling on the 23rd at the chemical works in Roeux.

I imagine CSM Galt was wounded in this action and later died of his wounds.

I have on the following posts attatched some text and some useful photos for you.

I hope this helps,if you need more look ups please ask.




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Thanks so much for all that great info mate !. It was much more than I was hoping for . Thanks for taking the time to find it and also going to the trouble of adding the images !. I owe you one mate !.

Thanks again .


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I was at Brown's Copse Cemetery recently and found an "atmosphere" there.

What is the title of the book you have on the 7th A&S Stu and does it give a a quick round up of where the battalion were during April to May 1917?

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My previous posts with scans are all there is for the period that you want.

Unfortunately, its only really a potted history with a great emphasis on the photos, most of which were supplied by the men themselves, which is probably why there are so many of officers.

Are you researching any one in particular, my book has a complete roll of honour, many photos and a list of all officers who served.

If you need any more let me know.


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You could try the Argyll And Sutherland Highlanders regimental museum at Stirling Castle.They have a very helpful and friendly staff as i found out recently doing some research on my grandfather who was in the 14th battalion.

Telephone number for the museum is 01786 475165 or e mail to regsec@argylls.co.uk.

Hope this is some use.


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