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I am trying to do an inventory of Luxembourgers who served in WW1. The records here are hopeless.

If anyone comes across anyone who could be a Luxembourger I would be very grateful if they could let me know.

They were in the British, French, Belgian and US armies.

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What sort of names do Luxembourgers have? Some examples?

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oh lord. I have a database with about 2500 names!

Generally speaking their service records will say born Luxembourg or occasionally Alsace-Lorraine.

My problem is that whilst I can trace those who died - both by using the original Luxembourg 1920s list and by happy finding, those who survived are more problematical.

The Luxembourg list is not terribly explicit about who survived and who didn't (absence of death details doesn't mean they survived, and occasionally death details doesn't mean they died!)

So, really, please just keep an eye open for anything that might be relevant, whether it's a gravestone or a document or mention in a book. Anything.

Just to give an example of the problem. I have a man named AUDRY in my database. In fact, someone found the details by accident in 'Soldiers Who Died' - I have yet to go through this - except that he was called ARENDT (a very common name) and came from the next village to me. I made the connection via place and date of birth. Naturally there was no family tomb for AUDRY. There is for ARENDT.

As I say, anything, even scraps of just a mention of 'I knew a Luxembourger in my company' would be interesting.

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