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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Final Battle


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Has anyone seen this interesting new book from CUP on the German soldier in 1918?


Looks extremely interesting from the contents page on the 'look inside'.

I was thinking of buying with some Amazon birthday vouchers, but then Oldenbourg brought out a new study on the Ostfront which distracted by attention (and devoured said vouchers... :rolleyes: ) It may have to be an ILL instead now...

The chapter on the homecoming parades looks particularly intriguing; if you've delved into the contemporary newspaper accounts, the troops, especially in Berlin, were received like conquering heroes (indeed the reaction was far more spontaneous than the lacklustre parade through the Brandenburg Gate in July 1940...)

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Was unaware of the book, Halder, but I agree - it does look very intriguing (sp?). At that price, however, I shall have to think twice. I'm saving my money up for David Woodworth's Lloyd George and the Generals, which is customarily priced up there in the stratosphere. I guess because demand is such that eventually someone like me actually pays what they are asking.

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