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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Footballer of Loos by Ed Harris

n cherry

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I think this is one that was being written by the husband of the grandaughter of Sgt Edwards who was the 1/18th Londons football team captain and provided the ball that was kicked over the top on 25th September 1915.

It has been in preparation for some time - nothing was mentioned at the London Irish Rifles Loos Sunday parade yesterday.

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Will do, I must admit I bought it without seeing any reviews, but as it was about Loos I thought it was worth the risk.


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I ordered a copy through the Donations page Amazon link from one of their suppliers as it was cheaper than theirs; £7.99 plus the postage for the paperback.

Like Mick as it was about Loos and at that price it was worth a punt.

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Well, the book turned up yesterday and it is certainly a good read. I like the idea of setting a few things right about the 47th London Division at Loos and the London Irish in particular.

A couple of minor points, well not so minor really:

In the foreword, Brigadier Digby O'Lone MSc, Honorary Colonel of the London Irish Rifles, states that the regiment was raised in 1908.

It was actually raised in 1859 and he was at the St Patrick's Day Parade this year when the 150th anniversary was celebrated and commemorative medals issued!

I wonder if his contribution was edited? I know he knows different!

I have read about 50 pages so far and am irritated by the repeated reference to the Territorials being part of "Kitchener's New Armies".

I shall be reading the remainder with interest............................

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have now read a fair part of the book and it certainly is an interesting read.

Apart from some minor(ish) details, see my previous post above, that are wrong, IMHO, it paints a portrait in words about a remarkable man and describes a battle that is sometimes not given the coverage it should have and a Regiment/Brigade/Division that deserves a lot more credit for their achievements in that battle than is usually the case.

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