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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Regimental Numbers

Guest wtyler

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I recently was able to find out what the regimental numbers were for my ggrandfather. How can I now find out if anything exists regarding his service record? He was in the middlesex regiment, and the Labour Corps.

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Guest Ian Bowbrick

What were the numbers - he could have been an Infantry soldier in the Middlesex who was medically downgraded and transferred to the Labour Corps OR a member of a Middlesex Regt Infantry Labour Company, which transferred to the Labour Corps when it was formed in early 1917.

Post the number and Ivor Lee, the World's Leading Authority on the Labour Corps, will probably know something.

If your surname is A - H, then the medal index cards are on-line, if I - Z, then a visit to the National Archive is required. They also hold what service records exist for WW1 soldiers.


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