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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

North Road Cemetery, Southend, Essex


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In todays local paper was a report with the headline "War heroes' graves are vandalised in disused cemetery".

This cemetery has been closed for some time, apparently, and the chapel was burnt to the ground by arsonists in 2008. It is now occupied by drug addicts and the homeless, with rubbish strewn everywhere. A local councillor is trying to get a new fence and gates which will be locked at night. The chapel is supposedly going to be rebuilt and used as offices, with new pathways and parking in the cemetery. Further info on these plans, funding, and security will be available in November, according to a council spokesman.

Having checked the CWGC website, there are 25 war graves in this cemetery. Does anyone know if they are aware of the problems there, or would it be worth contacting them?

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Sorry in advance if this pic is not too good but then it sums up North Road. The chapel was behind the gaily decorated fence. I have pics of the war graves there if you need them. Oddly enough this pic was taken 06/10/2008

Regards Steve

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The main war memorial in the centre of Cardiff was spray canned not long ago, a sad sign of the times im afraid! Lets hope they who do these things don't find themselves called up to go to war and find there or there loved ones names on one of these memorials!

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I phoned CWGC to update them on the condition of this cemetery and that it's getting attention in the local press, and they said they would pass on my info to their maintenance teams. In all fairness they probably already know, but it doesn't hurt to remind them.

I've not been to North Road myself, but that pic looks pretty depressing, Steve! The pic they put in the paper had rubbish all over the ground too.

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Does Southend have a Parish or Town Council?

If it does, then the Church Vestry can hand the disused graveyard over to the civil parish, whose responsibility it then becomes. If it is already the civil cemetery, albeit no longer in use, then its maintenance devolves to the Town, parish, Borough or County Council.

In this case, I suggest it would be the Southend Borough Council (or whatever it is called nowadays!)

Lobby the Council, and the councillors to get this mess sorted.

It is their responsibility to do so. Accept no old flannel about lack of funds. Those 25 men died to buy the councillors the freedom to debate the matter, and the local electorate the freedom to vote!


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The Chapel in North Road Cemetery has been boarded up for sometime now due to non-use over time. I pass this cemetery on a regular basis and to the best of my knowledge none of the CWGC headstones have been vandalised, although in all honesty I have not gone around the rear of the chapel to look at the headstones there and will make the effort this weekend.

This cemetery used to kept in good condition until recent times, I photographed all the CWGC headstones in there sometime ago for whatever the project's name was then. Sometime ago I caught several youths spraying grafitti on the boardings placed around the chapel there and hung around waiting to see where they went. There is a small college just opposite the entrance to the cemetery and the youths disappeared into this college. As of late when passing this cemetery I have noticed that the people attending this college seem to use the cemetery to hang around during their lunch periods or breaks and have to wonder if this could be the reason we have seen the rubbish appear as for many years this cemetery was always a quite peaceful place.


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Could not manage a visit over the weekend, but I have just had a walk around the cemetery. There is one CWGC headstone that has been uprooted, although it appears to have been pushed flat with no damage to it other then this. The other headstones are all intact with no damage whatsoever. The cemetery is clean with no rubbish with the grass in good condition, no areas overgrown, as I always remember passing this cemetery a few times a week.

I did not have my camera on me but will take a photograph of the headstone that seems to have been pushed flat this week and forward it to the CWGC, however the mud marks on the base of the stone are only a few inches in depth so it possibly did not take much effort to push the headstone flat.

As the other stones are all intact and unmarked maybe just journalistic license for a rousing story, the unsightly boarding around the chapel needs attention as it is an eyesore and is obviously used by homeless. This chapel has been disused for years, there was a gatehouse at the entrance to the cemetery until a few years ago until this was pulled down and unless they implement their proposed plans in the very near future I would suggest this will probably happen to the chapel also.


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  • 3 months later...

Latest news is that the chapel is to be converted to a community centre, and will possibly be open again by the end of the year. The council are to put boards up, inside the chapel, "explaining some of the history behind the cemetery's many military graves", as part of the restoration.

Hopefully the cemetery will be tidied up as well, if it is to be used a community centre.

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Latest news is that the chapel is to be converted to a community centre, and will possibly be open again by the end of the year. The council are to put boards up, inside the chapel, "explaining some of the history behind the cemetery's many military graves", as part of the restoration.

Hopefully the cemetery will be tidied up as well, if it is to be used a community centre.

I stop by occasionally, but in many respects the place remains a rundown mess - it has been used by drug addicts etc and is an unofficial public toilet - but the community centre thing is well under way. I photographed all the military graves some time ago - including one of an American sailor from the Spanish American War (!) and found that some of the recorded graves without CWGC headstones were in a state, but that the Commission had recently replaced one or two older stones of their own. Up until recently I know that the grave of a lad who died of wounds from the D-Day landings was visited regularly by some kind soul, but that's as far as my knowledge goes. I wouldn't wander about by myself with a camera anymore - but that's my own opinion.

Latest news is that the chapel is to be converted to a community centre, and will possibly be open again by the end of the year. The council are to put boards up, inside the chapel, "explaining some of the history behind the cemetery's many military graves", as part of the restoration.

Hopefully the cemetery will be tidied up as well, if it is to be used a community centre.

I stop by occasionally, but in many respects the place remains a rundown mess - it has been used by drug addicts etc and is an unofficial public toilet - but the community centre thing is well under way. I photographed all the military graves some time ago - including one of an American sailor from the Spanish American War (!) and found that some of the recorded graves without CWGC headstones were in a state, but that the Commission had recently replaced one or two older stones of their own. Up until recently I know that the grave of a lad who died of wounds from the D-Day landings was visited regularly by some kind soul, but that's as far as my knowledge goes. I wouldn't wander about by myself with a camera anymore - but that's my own opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was amazed to find that this cemetary was so close to me containing war graves and I did'nt realise it.

Went up there last Sunday after reading this topic and took some pics which back up the other comments and press articles.

I remember this cemetary from my younger years and it was always well kept but I assume with council cutbacks such places come low on the list.

It was interesting to note that there were signs of a recent burial so it's not completely disused and forgotten.

Signs of grave desecration and general vandalism were evident as was the obvious use of the area by lowlife!

Evidence of recent CWGC activity, 2nd pic

We will remember them? 3rd pic




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Well, surprise surprise, it's in the papers again! Been vandalised again too. This time the little darlings have ripped down all the boarding around the chapel, and damaged more headstones. Just makes you sick! :angry2:

The council are due to start renovating the chapel in April. Hope they fit onsite security otherwise it'll just be a waste of money/time!

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