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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

In Memory of Granddad


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In loving memory of Granddad, who was killed in action 1 May 1918, 15:00hours, Bois de Nieppe, Merville. You are not forgotten!


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Granddad was killed by a grenade splinter that tore his chest. This briefcase contained pictures of my Grandmother and my father and was always in his chest-pocket and was ripped as well


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I wish from deep in my heart that one of the pals can put a poppie on his grave sometime this year - I am too far away


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Your Grandfather was a fine-looking man. You have shared something of his story in the past. Thank you for sharing the importance of this day, especially the photograph of your Grandmother and Father. I am sure everyone will join in honouring your Grandfather's memory. I hope your wish is fulfilled.

He is gone... but he is not forgotten.


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I'd like to echo Robert's sentiments.

And I would also say that the members of this forum who share their knowledge and expertise of the 'other side of the lines' with 'one track minders' like me do a top class job.

A soldier remembered.Perhaps the inter-activity of people from all over the world on forums like this one can be classed as a daily act of remembering worthy of those who were engulfed by this truly horrific conflict.


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Hear! Hear!

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Hello Egbert

I will be in the area next Saturday and will be very happy to lay some flowers for your Grandad.


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Egbert.... your post is impressive not least of all because of the pictures and details you have shared, but also because it helps us understand the humanity on 'the other side of the wire.'

I wish I were close enough to lay flowers myself, but I can certainly have a pint for him instead.


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Thank you for sharing the memory and the pictures, Egbert. It was most moving [= emotionally affecting] to see the photo which was with him when he died.

Which of the two children is your father?


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I quite agree with all sentiments expressed. My family was 'at war with itself', because love crosses borders. You may wish to read it and the soldiers - brothers & husbands involved, in both world wars at www.philary.co.uk (the page is entiltled The Sutton's Great War). Any info on the soldiers involved would be much appreciated. Thank you


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Dear friends,

thanx for the thoughts and Annies pic. yes Max just DO IT!!! I have been without internet access since 1 week ; right now I am writing from airport lounge Honolulu enroute to Alabama; I am living inside airplanes next 2 weeks , must fly to Rome, Italy later today from the other side of the world - will come back May 21st. Folks again -thanx for your contributions; this time it's on me to raise a glass of Woodford Whisky onboard Delta 070 on you'll!!!!!! Sorry for my hurry.....take off in Maui below:


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