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I am researching a family member killed at the somme.

He died on the 18th of September 1916. He is burried at Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension. He was a grenadier Guard (of Whom 11 are buried at the cemetery). One of these guards was killed on the 15th september. Because there was a hospital at Abbeville is it likely that my family member died of wounds possibly recieved on the 15th, 16th or 17th (due to the cemetery being near the hospital.


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3 men from the Grenadier Guards died of wounds that day. Mepham, Dunn and Boocock.

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yes mepham was my great, great uncle

how do you know that those three died on the 18th

did he die of wounds recieved before the 18th?


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This soldier, J H Mepham, was the only soldier in his battalion (4th Bn) to die on 18.9.16. The battalion was not in action on that day. However, they were in action on the 14th, 15th and 16th. During the evening of the 16th the Battalion withdrew to Carnoy. If your relative was wounded on 14th, 15th or 16th, then there would be time for him to have been evacuated to Abbeville.


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14th Sept. Left Carnoy and went to the Eastern side of Trones Wood. Attacked towards Lesboeufs on the 15th. Dug in 500 yds north of Ginchy and consolidated their gains.

In support of further attack on the 16th and withdrew to Carnoy that evening.

"British Battalions on the Somme" - Ray Westlake.


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Hi Dave

Here is a map of the area attacked by the Guards, I draw this map myself for movements of 20th and 6th Divisions in this area, I have brushed out arrows and other text to do with these Divisions. Sorry it's a bit rough - not one of my best goes at drawing a map but it will give you an idea of area attacked by Guards, may be another pal as original map of area that they can post ?



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