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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Medal Roll detail


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I was hoping somebody could help me with a detail on a medal roll file which I recently got from the PRO. Underneath the standard list of medals is written what I think is IWB but could possibly be SWB and then a roll no of C/289. From the roll I know he was dischardged on 23/12/16, so could this be a reference to being wounded in action?

Any help would be very much appreciated.


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SWB probably, if discharged in 1916. This stands for Silver War Badge given to soldiers discharged from services due to ill health, old age etc.

Use Search facility as there are lots of threads about this. Also try searching under Wound Badge.



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I was hoping somebody could help me with a detail on a medal roll file which I recently got from the PRO. Underneath the standard list of medals is written what I think is IWB but could possibly be SWB and then a roll no of C/289. From the roll I know he was dischardged on 23/12/16, so could this be a reference to being wounded in action?

Any help would be very much appreciated.


You can obtain the SWB Roll Page from the numbers you state it will give the reason{albiet probably a Kings Regulations Code}for his discharge,these are @ present only available by actual attendance @ PRO{or via a researcher etc}SWB were awarded for any number of reasons,including wounds,of Official Honourable discharge,resulting in" being no longer fit for military service by reason of......"

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