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Submarine J7


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Hi All,

showing a British & Swedish documentry maker around in Melbourne as there is a conference on here in relation to their industry, took a few snaps of J7 as she is today. If anyone wants a bigger image than this please let me know, or PM with an email address.

She is certainly bigger than i thought.

What crew names do you have for her Sadsac? Many English submariners signed on to the RAN only to go back home when the expense of running these boats came to the notice of the bean counters in Goverment. On their papers, they have HMA London Depot, so what is that. Most of these men were WW1 veterans.

Cheers DB


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Interesting Darren. I'm sure Sadsac will have the goods.

From the RAN's history of J7 and his RAN service record, Lieutenant Commander Oswald Ernest Hallifax, DSO, RN, was her commander for 3 years (from 25.3.19 to 25.3.22). He reverted to the RN 3.8.22.

The NAA has the following file, unfortunately not online (ship's logs as well):

Title: [Photographs of submarines from Cockatoo Island Dockyard] - J7 - HMA submarine, main engine cylinder line [6 prints]

Series number: M3659

Barcode: 3283617

From a Wikipedia article, I see J1, J2, J4 and J5 were all scuttled in Bass Strait and J3 was scuttled as a breakwater near Swan Island in Queenscliff. As sad as J7 looks, J3 looks a little worse for wear, skeletal in fact.



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MARTIN - I does me best - thanks for the `mention' !!!

DARREN - Good, but sad pic of J7 - here are OFFICERS served J7 that I have ;

Mr F Asker Art Eng 010717 Standby building

LtCdr F H D Byron 010817 Completing C/O

Lt W Haynes C/O

S/Lt C A Lafitte

Lt K Paterson RNR

Lt J A Lennox RNR

Lt C M V F Dalrymple-Hay

S/Lt E Ruck-Keene

Lt E M Loly

LtCDr O E Hallifax C/O & in Australia

Lt J Drinkwater

Lt J A Bunting RNR

Mr R Ballantyne

S/Lt N H Calder RAN

Have started on Ratings - there are 46 to do !!!

Not all RAN / Australia / PLATYPUS - do you want ALL that served J7 ??

No problem if you do - just take a little longer.


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After reading Darren's post about the J7 at lunchtime, I was just flipping through an 800 page NAA document, the transcript of a RAN court martial, and stopped to read one of the witness statements, that of Warrant Engineer Reginald Ballantyne, HMAS Platypus. Which ship was he attached to? J7 ! Sadsac has him in the list above. He was Artificer Engineer earlier. Lent from RN 25.3.19, returned to RN 5.12.24. His RAN service record.

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MARTIN - intriguing stuff that. 1st how do you get to Aus Nat Archive site ???

BALLANTYE was Prior ; Reginald James 271887 D.o.B ; 061089 P.o.B ; Portsmouth.

Intriguily he has the same ADM 188 number as ASKER who also served J7 ???

Their No's. are ADM 188 / 436 - perhaps you would like to `sniff'. I will next visit PRO, but that may not be for some time.

ASKER Frederick 271568 D.o.B ; 021182 P.o.B ; Kings Lynn Norfolk.

What think you ??


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MARTIN, back again. Ballantyne was J7 from 010319 to 200522 according to Nominal List.

He was awarded the DSM - find here the listing ;

BALLANTYNE R.J N/E ERA 2nd Class RN 83P183 S/M D.7

Rear Admiral Buncrana 17.11.17 Gazetted

Action with enemy submarines 12.09.17 DSM & promoted Acting Art. Eng. 12.09.17

Torpedoed the German submarine U.45, on the 12th September, 1917, showing skill and confidence in his accurate shot in a 5 minute attack.

Took part in a successful attack - see above Lt. Hallifax.

`Prooves' that he had a previous life as ERA !!


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MARTIN - intriguing stuff that. 1st how do you get to Aus Nat Archive site ???


Go to http://www.naa.gov.au/collection/recordsearch/index.aspx, search as guest and you're away. For RAN officers and ratings, full name is usually all you need. If you get too many results to wade through, add A6769 into ref numbers field (series for RAN officers) or A6770 (series for ratings). Occasionally there are additional records not of these series, which can sometimes be picked up with just surname and official number (both in keywords).



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`Prooves' that he had a previous life as ERA !!

It does, Sadsac.

Just on the flotilla coming to Australia, Sub-Lieut. Frank Lockwood Larkins, RAN, was lost overboard from the J2 on the trip.

Btw, was there a Stoker Nicholls in the J7 by any chance? He had been on AE2 when captured and was a prisoner in Turkey for over 3 years. He came out with the flotilla but not sure which submarine.

Ok, I'll shutup now :)


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Hi Sadsac,

checked Mr Asker, he was on J7 but went to L20 when the boats were transferred to the RAN. Asker was a special lad, as he was one of only 5 men from E8 who had his Russian Cross of St George presented personally by the Czar himself.


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MARTIN, thanks for NICHOLS - cannot find him in my file re RN Ratings, probably because he was RAN. Have added him to my info - TA ! Here are a few that I have of bods that served J7.

DARREN - here are 8 bods for J7, 1st Lot - these are PLATYPUS / RAN more later & then other bods that served J7 UK TITANIA. You will see that I have added info re service in E boats Baltic, as I know your interest there.

Perhaps you / Martin can both check / add to. Do you / Oz Archives require more ??

Note Dates are in reverse order - 190324 = 24 March 1919 ;

BENHAY William George Anthony SPO K 5186 D.o.B ; 230091 P.o.B ; Weymouth Dorset

ADM 188 / 877 J7 – 190324-190409 PLATYPUS

BURNAP Frederick STO K 22109 RAN 9400 D.o.B ; 270794 P.o.B ; Islington London

ADM 188 / 911 J7 – 190324-210418 PLATYPUS

CHALK Edward ERA P/M 1109 D.o.B ; 121293 P.o.B ; Southampton Hants

ADM 188 / 1020 J7 – 190325-220306 PLATYPUS

CARTER Robert Joseph SPO P/ 290546 D.o.B ; 080780 P.o.B ; Liverpool

ADM 188 / 468 J7 - 170703-190329 to PLATYPUS

DAVISON James AB C/J 20276 D.o.B ; 301296 P.o.B ; Smallburgh Norfolk

ADM 188 / 687 J7 – 190324-220306 PLATYPUS

FREEMAN George ERA M7324 D.o.B ; 160689 P.o.B ; Walworth London

ADM 188 / 1032 J7 - 190325-220220 PLATYPUS

HERBERT Charles ERA M11849 D.o.B ; 041093 P.o.B ; Stafford

ADM 188 / 1041 J7 – 190325-220307 PLATYPUS

JOHNSON William Edward SPO K 9390 D.o.B ; 100392 P.o.B ; Islington London

ADM 188 / 885 J7 – 190324-221219 PLATYPUS POW Turkey


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The Naval Historical Society of Australia published a monograph "AE1, AE2 and J Class Submarines", written by Mackenzie Gregory. Mac is ex-RAN (he was OOW on HMAS Canberra at the start of the Battle of Savo) and his dad came out to Australia on J2.




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I noticed just the other day that Captain Frank Edmund GETTING, who died of wounds after the loss of HMAS Canberra in 1942, had submarine experience when a Lieutenant just after WW1, including being on J7. He was later in command of a couple of submarines (see page 6 of his record).



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Hello Martin / DB, re Capt. Getting, I have him as being on J.1 01 March 1919 until 01 Jan. 1920 when he went to Persicope School HMS Vulcan.

He was with this crew when with Australian Flotilla HMAS PLATYPUS.

J.1. Lt. Ronald A. Trevor.

Lt. Eric G.B. de Mowbray.

Temporary Lt. Neil S. Bickle, RNR.

Engineer Lt. Archibald W. Creal.

Acting S/Lt. Frank E. Getting, RAN.


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Thanks Darren, Sadsac.

As well as J.1, he has following submarine refs in his service record:

"Platypus", 3.2.21 - 30.6.22, for S/M's

"Cerberus" (addl), 1.7.22 - 7.12.22, for S/M's (S/M. J7 from 13/7/22)

Later 1st Lieut on submarines R4, L21, H47 (in command) and Oxley on commissioning (in command).




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