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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Gretna Rail Crash 22/05/1915


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Does anyone know if any books have been written, or research done on the 210 men of the 1/7th Royal Scots TF killed in the Gretna Rail Crash of 22nd May 1915?

I know 205 of them are buried in Rosebank Cemetery in Leith but a lot of the entries in the CWGC registers are pretty scant on family details.

It's mainly the men who died I'm interested in rather than the crash itself.



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Adam - there is a professional researcher called Ian McCallum who has done a lot of work on this and who has a database of all the men killed - I think he may have a website as I seem to have mislaid his email address.

I did also see a book a few months back called something like "Britains worst railway crash/accident/disaster" pub in the 60s or 70s by one of the specialist railway publishers.

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There's a fair bit in Lyn Macdonald's '1915'


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Guest Pete Wood

If you are using the web, to carry out initial research, the best search term to use is "Quintinshill" (not Gretna).

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"Gretna: Britain's Worst Railway Disarster (1915)" by John Thomas pub. 1969 David & Charles : Newton Abbot, is the book mentioned by Charles Fair.
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Guest Brummy

Probably v. hard to find but:-The Royal Scots 1914-1919 by Major G. Ewing MC. Published by Oliver and Boyd in 1925.


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I have the registers for Edinburgh listing all the men in Rosebank if you want to have a look. I also have Ewing's book. Email me off-list.



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There is a reprint of the Royal Scots history by Ewing published by Naval and Military Press.

I have a memorial pamphlet for the service that took place afterwards. But unfortunately it is in England and I will not be going back until July at the earliest.

All the best,


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Many thanks for all the replies, there is plenty there for me to go on.

Malcolm -thanks for the links.



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