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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum



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Some historical illiterates certainly write it. The hyper inflation they mention occurred 1918 -19 and not after the 1929 crash. It was not caused by reparations but from the cost of waging the  the war when the government literally printed more and more money. It got to the stage that some war contractors were issued with plates and allow to print the money to pay themselves! Some companies printed their own currency to pay their workers - this was worth more than government issue notes.

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Jdging by their comments, I can only conclude that some complete nutters read the Daily Mail website.

Well look on the bright side. Even the Daily Mail must agree: they've stopped further contributions.

I hope they're not allowed out with sharp implements.

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Reparations started and stopped several times in the decades to follow. The sheer magnitude of the debt was blamed for everything from Hitler, to World War II, to the great economic depression. As the years went by and inflation took its toll, the burdens of the payments were less. In 1953 as part of the effort to make Germany part of the western bloc in the Cold War, the Allied powers decided that Germany would not pay the debt until the country was reunified with East Germany. Nonetheless, West Germany paid off the principal by 1980. Several years after reunification, the united Germany began paying on the reparations again and is scheduled to be totally finished by the year 2020.

Handbook of Imperial Germany page 238.

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This is the quote. As noted above. It is on the German reparations which is the subject of this thread I thought.

Reparations started and stopped several times in the decades to follow. The sheer magnitude of the debt was blamed for everything from Hitler, to World War II, to the great economic depression. As the years went by and inflation took its toll, the burdens of the payments were less. In 1953 as part of the effort to make Germany part of the western bloc in the Cold War, the Allied powers decided that Germany would not pay the debt until the country was reunified with East Germany. Nonetheless, West Germany paid off the principal by 1980. Several years after reunification, the united Germany began paying on the reparations again and is scheduled to be totally finished by the year 2020.

I guess I really do not understand what you are saying or what you're asking.

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This conversation is beginning to resemble that little  known Becket classic "Waiting for Odog"

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