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Blackdown Barracks 1915


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I am researching a unit that passed through Blackdown Barracks in Aldershot in 1915. Can anyone point me to possible sources of information on these barracks and life there in 1915.

Also, does anyone know if they still exist today. I had heard that they might have been the fore runner of the well known Deepcut Barracks of today?

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Don't know of any sources of info in 1915, but I was stationed there in the early 1970s. It was then RAOC apprentices college and was in the process of gradual demolition then, although Deepcut already existed, I believe the land was incorporated into a larger barracks.


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I don't know about 1915 but Blackdown and Deepcut were separate units when my father was stationed at Blackdown in the early 50's.


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In 1958 I was a 15 year old boy soldier at North Camp Barracks Blackdown which has since been demolished, opposite was Alma Barracks the Regimental Depot of the RAOC, futher down was a seperate barracks the name of which eludes me, at the time it was a trade training battalion RAOC.

The bottom end of the village (towards Pirbright) was at the time always called Deepcut, whilst the other end Blackdown, all the area had a Deepcut telephone number.

At the barracks where we were, we lived in brick built buildings, but our class rooms, lecture rooms and the like were wooden buildings that at the time of WW1 had been living quarters.

Looking through the book "British Regiments 1914-1918 by Brigadier E.A.James" it shows a substantial number of battalions posted to Blackdown during the period of the war years, I wondered if you had a copy as if you know the unit you are concerned with it would probably yield some information, if you do not have the book to hand I would be happy to check same for you.


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Hi David

Thanks for the reply. I can see the link between Blackdown and Deepcut.

The unit I am interested in is the 7th Royal Irish Rifles, which was there between September and December 1915. I do not have a copy of that book; if it does contain any reference to this unit, I would be glad to hear it.



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Hi Ian

Sorry to have not got back to you sooner, as having posted my first question on the forum I have been shocked at the fantastic response, the downside is I have not got back to forum members that like you I have tried to help.

For the time period you mention regarding 7th Royal Irish Rifles, the book shows them as being at Aldershot, I suspect tht you could well be right as regards Blackdown, in view of the short distance between the two locations, as the book was painstaking compiled using unit diaries, the originator might well have put Aldershot as opposed to Blackdown.


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Sorry not to have mentioned it earlier, but the RSM was calling me for dinner at the time when I put on the earlier post.

If of help/interest, I would be happy to copy out the 7th Royal Irish Rifles entry from the book for you, just let me know.


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Hi David

No problem about delaying replying. Thanks for taking the trouble.

I would welcome the details in the book you have re the 7th RIR if the contain information that I might not already have(I have quite sketchy dates and details), and if it is not too much trouble for you.



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Hello again Ian.

As I am a complete novice at computers, and very much at the one finger stage on the keyboard it is a good job you are not in a hurry for the following:-

7th(Service) Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles.

Formed at Belfast in September 1914.

To Mallow in 48th Brigade, 16th Division (originally alloted to 47th Brigade)

January 1915 to Ballyvonare near Buttevant.

On 5/3/15 absorbed a company of Royal Jersey Militia (6 officers & 224 men).

June 1915 Ballyhooly near Fermoy.

September 1915 to England at Aldershot.

20/12/15 landed at Havre.

23/8/17 to 49th Brigade, 16th Division.

14/10/17 to 108th Brigade, 36th Division.

14/11/17 absorbed by 2nd Battalion.

I hope that the above is of some use to you.


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Forgot to mention it last night, but another of the books that I have shows the Battalions movements on the Somme in 1916, if of interest I would be happy to copy the entry for you.


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