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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Cheshire regiment


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Trying to find some background information on S Wood to start me off with my search?

Have tried to find him on line via archives but not sure of my way around system!

His army nr via CWGC is 52750 and from the 11th batt??

Can anyone help ease me into my search?


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Hello Wayne

Welcome to the forum

His Medal Index Card and his Service papers are on Ancestry.co.uk - is you search under Samuel Wood born 1893. He also has another service number - 4396 /52750.

We not really supposed to post the images here, but if you don't have an ancestry subscription you could look him up in your local library which might have one, or do a 'pay-per-view' subscription.


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Soldiers Died in the Great War, Cheshire Regt has him as Samuel Wood, 11th Battn; enlisted Stockport, died of wounds, France & Flanders; 6/10/1916.

there's a write up of him at :


Medal Index gives a previous number of 4396. Victory Medal and BWM. Little other info.

Service record on ancestry gives dob as 1893; address as 6 Johnson St, Stockport, a window cleaner aged 22yrs 2months on enlistment on 10th Dec 1915. I'll go thru the record and see what other info can be gleaned.

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To both eirian and johney thankyou

i will do some digging will talk soon


Hello Wayne

Welcome to the forum

His Medal Index Card and his Service papers are on Ancestry.co.uk - is you search under Samuel Wood born 1893. He also has another service number - 4396 /52750.

We not really supposed to post the images here, but if you don't have an ancestry subscription you could look him up in your local library which might have one, or do a 'pay-per-view' subscription.


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