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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

French WWI Dead


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If this has been discussed before, I apologize for not being able to locate the thread. Anyway, is there at all a database of information for French soldiers who died during the Great War?

I am specifically looking for information regarding Lieut. Louis Bailly, 19 R.I.,

died at La Boisselle, 17 December 1914.

Any info. or suggestions as always -- greatly appreciated.


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Slightly related... Is there a database of those who served and did NOT die?

I am trying to locate details on Cpt Vail of the 6th French Army. This is all I know at this point, but am trying to dig more up. Thanks for any info. Andy

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To find out anything about a soldier you have to write to the dépertement that contains the base where he joined up and ask them for the records.

For officers, the HQ at Vincennes will have them.

Whether eiter will answer you is more than iffy. Vincennes used to be manned by mainly people who were doing their military serrvice and who were very often enthusiasts. They have gone and the army doesn't cosider this to be a priority, so you might get an answer and you might not. You will have to write in French anyway.

For the men, you probably don't know whuch base he had to go to join up, but if you do the same sort of problem applies. They might and they might not. You also need to write in French.

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