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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Battleground Europe

Malcolm Linham

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Hi all

I have just been looking through Pen & Swords website and found what appears to be a new book in the Battleground Europe series.

This is called Beaumont Hamel subtitled Newfoundland Park by Nigel Cave published in January 2010.

Does anyone know if this is substantially different from my 1994 copy of Beaumont Hamel also by Nigel Cave ?

Best wishes


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They have certainly changed the cover but a rather misleading comment beneath about Gommecourt doesn't exactly help you decide whether Nigel has done a revision. Some of the series have gone out of print so this maybe simply a new edition. Why not PM Nigel and see what he says?


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  • 3 months later...

Sorry, I missed all of this: I got back home after several weeks away and found my author's copies sitting there. No, it is a reprint, with a new cover and printed on rather better paper (so it seems to me). Whilst the book, I think, still stands up pretty well and fortunately no big topographical changes, some obvious things have changed - for example the whole set up at the Newfoundland site - visitors' centre, guides, self guided tour improved (I hope - I co-wrote it!) etc. And I know a heck of a lot more about the area fourteen or fifteen years on. So, I would expect that a new edition would come out in a few years' time, taking on board some of what I have picked up over the years and what has been published and, doubtless, what some of you good folk have been saying on this Forum.

At the moment busy on BE books on underground warfare (the first on Arras, then the Somme, then Ypres and then Flanders, co-written with Phillip Robinson, co-founder of the Durand Group - now he has a mine (sorry!) of information and really knows how to produce good maps, as opposed to my feeble sketch efforts - an artist I never was. In between times it will be books with Jack Sheldon on the Salient 1914, probably three of those; the sort of accounts to be found in his forthcoming book on the German Army at Ypres 1914 should provide plenty of good reading if we are halfway cmpetent in putting it together.

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Can you tell me when to expect these new titles to be on sale ?


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They are a long project - so do not stand on tenterhooks. The underground BE, Arras, will be the first out; I would hope sometime in late autumn (hope I am not breaking any Forum rules here). Phillip and I were going to include Loos, but we have come across just so much material that Loos up towards the Salient definitely deserves a book on its own. Jack is just finishing his Ypres book (great, if extraordinarily depressing, material: the Germans seem to have been just as good at anyone else at chucking away manpower in 'forlorn hopes') and so I would think at least a year to eighteen months away for the first of the Ypres 1914 ones.

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