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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

90th Brigade RFA

Robert Dunlop

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I can find mention of 89th and 91st Brigades but not the 90th. Does anyone know the whereabouts of this unit (presuming it existed) during April 1918?

Many thanks


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CX Brigade, RFA did not exist in 1918. It had been disbanded in August of 1916 in order to bring the other brigades of the 20th (Light) Division up to the new standard of six guns or howitzers per battery. The details of this reorganisation can be found in A.F. Becke, Order of Battle of Divisions, Part 3A (New Army Divisions, 9-26), pp. 98 and 99. (Becke was a gunner with a particular interest in the many metamorphoses of divisional artillery in WWI. The short divisional histories that he provides in his multi-volume series are therefore full of information about the fate of specific batteries and brigades.

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Becke was a gunner

Presumably, the AF Becke who wrote about the artillery at Le Cateau?


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