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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum



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I have spent an interesting afternoon at ARNOS VALE CEMETERY here in BRISTOL.The place is in need of lots of TLC,but there are indications that it is begining to get it.The ww1 memorial is,now ,in good condition with lots of soldiers commemorated here.They are all burried,I understant in a triangle of grass infront of the memorial.There is,however,one gravestone,a private one ,I think.To H.B.WOOD VC.MM. 2nd BAT.SCOTS GUARDS.Born 21 June 1881 Died 15 August 1924.My reserch of the net tells me that he was gazetted 14 December 1918.I have tried and tried to get the information about his sitation but with no avail.I am frustrated.On the positive side I have found out that in 1920 he attended a function in BUCK HOUSE with the KING.Even more important,because I knew nothing about it,he was a member of the guard of honour,all VCS,for the unknown warrior in LONDON.Please excuse my ignorance ST PAULS I think.

This is all I know about him except that he was a lance sergent.Please can you PALS work your majic and tell me something about him??? Or tell me where and how to find out for myself.



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Go to the web site "The Register of the Victoria Cross". That will give you a flying start.

Terry Reeves

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'Lifted' from another site:

A ceremony, organised by the South Western Branch Scots Guards Association, took place in Arno's Vale Cemetery, Bristol, on 27th October 2001 to erect a replacement headstone over the grave of Corporal Harry Wood VC, MM. The ceremony was attended by relatives and friends; the Royal British Legion, Bristol; Regimental Adjutant, Scots Guards; and a party representing the regiment from Headquarters Scots Guards.

Harry Blanshard Wood was born on 21 June 1882 at Pocklington, North Yorkshire and joined the Scots Guards on 3 February 1903. After the outbreak of WWI in August 1914, Harry Wood was sent to France with the 2nd Battalion, Scots Guards, in October 1914 and was later awarded the Military Medal for gallantry. Below is the official citation of the award of the Victoria Cross to Harry Wood.

[ London Gazette, 14 December 1918 ]. St Python, France, 13 October 1918, 16444 Corporal ( Lance-Sergeant ) Harry Wood MM, 2nd Bn, Scots Guards.

"For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty during operations at the village of St. Python, France, on 13 October 1918. The advance was desperately opposed by machine guns and the streets were raked by fire. His platoon sergeant was killed and command of the leading platoon fell to him. The task of the company was to clear the western side of the village and secure the crossing of the River Selle. Command of the ruined bridge had to be gained, though the space in front of it was covered by snipers. Corporal Wood boldly carried a large brick out into the open space, lay down behind it, and fired continually at these snipers, ordering his men to work across while he covered them by his fire. This he continued to do under heavy and well-aimed fire until the whole of his party had reached the objective point.

He showed complete disregard for his personal safety, and his leadership throughout the day was of the highest order. Later, he drove off repeated enemy counter-attacks against his position. His gallant conduct and initiative shown, contributed largely to the success of the day's operations."

Harry Wood died at the comparatively young age of 42, in 1924, and was buried in the Arno's Vale Cemetery, Bristol. His Victoria Cross is in the possession of the York Castle Museum, York.



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I knew I was in the presence of a very special man.




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I knew I was in the presence of a very special man.




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I thank you.Especially for the picture.He has now,for me,and thanks to you,come back to life.


john. :D

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